I was particularly disturbed by a news story that emerged last week.
It turns out that one in six of all current residents here in the UK were born overseas.
This was confirmed by the release of data from the recent census.
This means that one in six of all people living in the UK are immigrants who were not even born here.
This figure does not take into account those of immigrant-origin who were born here.
If we enter those of foreign descent into the equation, it turns out that approximately 25% (one in four) of people living in the UK are non-white.
The indigenous British population is currently 75%, but that is not the full story.
Thanks to historically low birthrates among our people, that 75% is going to drop like a stone over the next 25 years.
Coupled with this, the 25% of non-white residents of the UK will rapidly increase thanks to high non-white birthrates and escalating mass immigration.
If things carry on like they are, then the indigenous British people will be a minority within the next 25 years.
How do you think your family, your children, will be treated in a Britain where they are a minority?
What quality of life do you think they will have?
Unless we pull our finger out and mount a determined opposition to the immigration invasion, we are doomed as a nation.
Our children and grand-children will reap a whirlwind of devastation if we don’t succeed in building a patriotic resistance.
That is why we fought so hard, for so long, to be registered as a political party.
The demographic nightmare that is unfolding (outlined above) gives us a slim window of opportunity to get our act together.
Next week, we are launching our campaign for the upcoming local elections.
We are aiming to stand 50 candidates across the country, a major increase on the 3 seats we contested back in May.
We have no choice but to massively escalate our efforts, or we will lose our country.
Taking the lessons and experience from the local elections back in May of this year, where we received the best results of any nationalist party, we are aiming this time for our first electoral breakthroughs.
We cannot be expected to be taken seriously as a political alternative unless we start to win elections.
Once we begin to win local council seats, the floodgates of support will open.
Then the cataclysmic rise of Britain First as a serious and credible political force will begin.
Right now our focus is to launch our campaign.
We have a huge amount of work to be getting on with.
I need your personal help to get this campaign off the ground.
Election campaigns do not come cheap, but if we want to save our country, we have to put our foot down on the accelerator.
There is a long list of equipment, literature, training, and a million other things, that we need to pay for as quickly as possible.
We do not receive the big funding from mega donors that the likes of Conservative and Labour enjoy.
No, Britain First is a people-powered movement.
If we want to fund and launch a titanic election campaign, we are going to have to do it ourselves!
Can you step forward and give me your full support?
Can I depend and rely on you as a staunch Britain First patriot?
As leader of this party, I am appealing for your help.
Yours sincerely
Paul Golding
Leader, Britain FirstFollow Britain First on Telegram, an anti-censorship social network and messenger:
Det er der da intet nyt i. Sådan er det også i Tyskland, Frankrig, Holland, Belgien, Sverige, Danmark osv.osv.
Kommunister, feminister og skøre “humanister” véd
ikke noget bedre end at ødelægge deres eget land
og deres egen befolkning. I humanismens navn piner,
plager, plyndrer, tyranniserer, terroriserer og dræber
de deres egne landsmænd og medsøstre.
Ja, de falske humanister og hykleriske
verdensfrelsere er så ekstreme, at de med
glæde udskifter og udrydder deres egne, for at
skaffe plads til rigtige mennesker, dem fra Afrika og
Arabien. Og det er jo egentlig en smuk tanke at udrydde
de mindreværdige og værdiløse til fordel for de værdige
og værdifulde. Det lyder retfærdigt og godt gennemtænkt.
For hvad skal vi dog bruge white trash til. Alle disse
affaldsmennesker der lever i Europa har vi europæere
alt for længe tålt at have boende i vores lande. Bare
fordi de betaler for vores store ambitiøse planer og
projekter. Men det skal være slut nu. Ud med dem. Vi
vil ikke lade os bestikke med deres grimme kapitalistiske
penge. I indvandringsindustrien er vi ikke så korrupte at
vi vil svigte vores kære, kære berigere fra kæmpelandet
Afrika og de omliggende lande. Vores krig mod vores egne
familier, brødre og søstre er en retfærdig krig, og dem
som mener noget andet er racister, nazister, svinehunde,
kældermennesker og hjemlands terrorists. Som Carsten,
Biden og Pelosi siger.
Ned med englænderne, død over England. Op med migranterne.
Op med islamiseringen. Det er vores program, og det er vi stolte af.