Invasionen kører støt og roligt – 100 nye OM DAGEN i Dresden alene!
The cultural enrichment of Western Europe continues apace, regardless of the Corona “emergency”, the Ukraine war, the energy crisis, and massive inflation. The newcomers just […]
The cultural enrichment of Western Europe continues apace, regardless of the Corona “emergency”, the Ukraine war, the energy crisis, and massive inflation. The newcomers just […]
President of the European Commission (EC) Ursula von der Leyen is promoting the “Africanization” of Europe, warned German MEP Gunnar Beck. In a shocking report, […]
Illegal migrant arrivals to Italy, up 28% so far this year
EU’s organisation og beslutningsprocesser er i dag de samme som i 2015, og det burde stå klart for ansvarsbevidste danskere, at vi ikke skal betro […]
Rep. Jim Jordan just left Sec. Mayorkas so speechless the Dems had to jump in and stop him. WATCH Chip Roy EXPLODE on Sec. Mayorkas […]
Judicial Watch President @TomFitton gives an update on the crisis on our southern border, a new lawsuit against the State Department over Hunter Biden secrets, […]
Unfortunately, the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (R.N.L.I.) is helping illegal migrants to enter our country. The R.N.L.I. retorts that it is saving lives – that’s fine, but when […]
Chaima Ben Mahmoude, 21, uploaded a video showing her waving as she made the crossing to Italy In the footage, she smiles alongside a dozen […]
More than 500,000 Afghan migrants have crossed the border since fall of Kabul They are heading for Europe and the Channel coast, intelligence experts warned Priti […]
Think of the wildlife: NGOs demand Poland stop border wall over ecological concerns
Tucker: They suddenly care about borders Tucker Carlson discusses how Washington is reacting to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
Tucker: Here’s what America should learn from Hungary Vi kunne også lære noget af dem.
The British government decides that we need more immigrants…
35,000 migrants landed on one Italian island in 2021: Five times the size of its normal population
Salvini trial for stopping migrant ship hears first witness testimony
Our country has become an international joke thanks to the way our treacherous government lavishes public funds on illegal immigrants crossing the Channel. The last few days […]
Figures published by “Migration Watch UK” are extremely worrying. If present trends continue, the British people will be a minority within their own land within a few short decades. This is no accident, this […]
Asyl in Griechenland – Freifahrtschein nach Deutschland Wer in Griechenland Asyl erhält, kann ungehindert nach Deutschland weiterziehen. Zehntausende haben das dieses Jahr schon genutzt und […]
I juni stemte alle partier undtagen Nye Borgerlige og Dansk Folkeparti nej til et forslag om udvisning af kriminelle udlændinge efter første dom. Et af de partier, […]
Tory MP EXPOSES Links Between Migrant Boats And Money Laundering
France’s DISGUSTING Response To UK’s Migrant Crisis 😮
The illegal immigrant invasion at Dover has become a major political issue lately, and for good reason. It is currently a regular occurrence for 1,000 illegals to […]
Incoming leftist coalition Government in Germany to open doors to mass chain migration
Resultatet er ikke overraskende. “‘This Piece is Full of Bias!’ Polish Official Fact-Checks CNN, BBC,” by Peter Caddle, Breitbart, November 23, 2021: A Polish Government Official […]
Nu skriver Jyllands-Posten, at kun syv afviste syriske flygtninge er blevet sendt hjem. Ikke 700, ikke 70, men syv.
Generation Identitær nyhedsbrev Kære støtte,læs om vores aktion her til morgen mod woke forvanskning af vores historie og arv. Identitetspolitiske aktivister dominerer vores kulturinstitutioner og arbejder for […]
Vores akutte politiske valg må træffes på baggrund af, at indvandringen er på vej tilbage til normalen igen efter en kort coronapause. Uhrskov: Polen som […]
Mediernes løgne om begivenhederne ved den polske grænse
Den alvorlige situation har udløst en kommentar fra den kendte israelske militærteoretiker Martin van Creveld i den tyske avis Die Welt. Van Creveld peger på, […]
Zwei große Gruppen von Flüchtlingen haben in der Nacht Teile des Grenzzauns zwischen Weißrussland und Polen durchbrochen! Wie die polnische Nachrichtenagentur „PAP“ unter Berufung auf den örtlichen […]
Flere end tusind migranter har samlet sig på grænsen mellem Belarus og Polen og forsøger at trænge igennem grænsehegnet. Endnu flere kan være på vej […]
Polish security forces face off with hundreds of migrants at Belarus border Migrants break down Belarus-Poland border fencing Poland ‘ready to defend itself’ as Belarus […]
Viktor Orbán offers Western Europe migrant ‘corridor’ if EU wants mass migration
Schockierend: Ausländerkriminalität erschreckend hoch! Die illegale und unkontrollierte Zuwanderung ist eine massive Bedrohung für unsere Sicherheit. Fakt ist: Bestimmte Ausländergruppen fallen besonders negativ in der […]
»Der er spottet en lille, overfyldt træbåd…« Catrin Iversen er speciallæge i akutmedicin, ansat via Dansk Røde Kors’ katastrofeberedskab og befinder sig i det sydøstlige […]
Kennedy Unhinged: ‘Pink-Haired Wokers Who Don’t Know Their A** from Their Elbow’ Running Biden Immigration Policy Federal agents apprehended an astounding 1,659,206 illegal immigrants at […]
“Byg Fort Europa”, sådan stod der på det 200 kvadratmeter store banner, som identitære aktivister i dag foldede ud på den gamle fæstningsø, Trekroner Fort, […]
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