Den amerikanske borgerrettighedsorganisation ACLU: Rigtige mænd har menstruation

On Tuesday, the American Civil Liberties Union decided to offer their own interpretation of what it means to be a man, since International Men’s Day is celebrated annually on November 19.

Although International Men’s Day (IMD)  focuses on six pillars: highlighting discrimination against men; supporting male health issues; improving gender relations; promoting gender equality; celebrating male contributions to society; and promoting male role models, as Yahoo acknowledged, the ACLU had its own leftist identity politics view, writing on Twitter: “There’s no one way to be a man. Men who get their periods are men. Men who get pregnant and give birth are men. Trans and non-binary men belong.#InternationalMensDay.”

Læs mere her….inklusive reaktionerne på deres bindegale ideer.

3 Kommentarer

  1. Gad vide hvornår jeg får min første menstruation? Jeg er nu 73 og venter stadig.
    Og vil det være mest rigtigt at give den som fribløder? Det bliver sgu nok lidt underligt!!

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