Emerson Vermaat: The Dutch Labor Party and Islam: The Limits of Multiculturalism

“Islamic culture is so deeply entrenching itself in Dutch society, that in the long run one would speak of a land that is based on a Judeo-Christian-Islamic tradition,” Ella Vogelaar, the Dutch Minister for Housing, Neighborhoods and Integration, told the Dutch daily newspaper Trouw.[1]

She claims that Islam will contribute to Dutch culture and society in a similar way as Jews and Christians have done in past centuries.

“I want to help Muslims feel at home here, Islam and Muslims must take roots here.” “Our society has been formed by Jewish-Christian traditions. These are our roots. Centuries ago, the Jewish community came to the Netherlands and now we can say: The Netherlands is a land formed by Judeo-Christian traditions. I can imagine we will see a similar process with Islam.”

According to the Minister of Integration, there is a “mutual process” in which cultures influence and stimulate each other.

Mere på Militant Islam Monitor

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4 Kommentarer

  1. “Tror de selv på det?”

    Selvbedrag kan åbenbart drives hvor langt som helst.
    Jfr. kommunisternas lovprisning af Stalins, Maos, Pol Pots “paradis”.

    Flere af EL vill stadig væk ikke tage afstand fra Stalin og Lenin.

  2. Desværre lader det til vælgerne i de Europæiske lande ikke har indflydelse på dette .

    Jvf. aftaleforholdene mellem EU og de kommende Partnere, de 9 islamiske Middelhavslande .

    Aftaleforhold som træder i kraft fra 2010 og som giver disse 9 Partnere adgang til EUs Fire Frihedssøjler, hvor af den fjerde søjle betyder fri bevægelighed for befolkningerne mellem EU og Partnerlandene .

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