Previously, she’d sold herself as a five-foot human alarm bell, a climate Cassandra. Her role was to warn, not to instruct: her most viral moments involved her scolding political leaders, not trying to supplant them. She strenuously avoided programmatic detail, saying such things were “nothing to do with me”. But now, on stage and in this book, she has found her political feet, specifically the Left-wing ideology of anti-capitalism and de-growth.
Interspersed among the usual directives about the need to pressure political leaders, her message was more radical and more militant than it has been in the past. There is no “back to normal”, she told us. “Normal” was the “system” which gave us the climate crisis, a system of “colonialism, imperialism, oppression, genocide”, of “racist, oppressive extractionism”. Climate justice is part of all justice; you can’t have one without the others. We can’t trust the elites produced by this system to confront its flaws — that’s why she, much like Rishi Sunak, won’t be bothering with the COP meeting this year. COP itself is little more than a “scam” which facilitates “greenwashing, lying and cheating”. Only overthrow of “the whole capitalist system” will suffice.
So now we are finally seeing the contours of Thunbergism. Run your eye down the contributors to The Climate Book and you can see who she’s been reading: Jason Hickel, Kate Raworth, Naomi Klein. For these people the climate crisis isn’t man-made. It’s made by capitalism, as are the other forms of social injustice which plague society. There’s no GDP growth — especially of the capitalist sort — without increasing carbon emissions. The only solution to this state of emergency is for rich countries to immediately abandon economic expansion as a social goal.
Det har vi vidst hele tiden – intet nyt i det.
RedIce TV – Henrik Palmgren giver her 10 grunde til at Greta Tunfisk
er falsk som en i h…….
Som vi har vidst meget længe så er “klima” ren teater og bare endnu et værktøj der
velvilligt bruges imod folket.
Ups link: 🙂
Gteta Tunfisk er blot en lille hjernevasket
pige som bruges af MSM. Ligesom alle de andre
teen-age aktivister der ikke aner hvad de taler
om. Men DR osv. kan bruge dem som vidner på at
planeten snart vil brænde op, hvis vi ikke
udrydder co2 og smadrer landbruget og virksom-
hederne med “grøn” omstilling og co2 afgifter.
Og den typiske danske vælger sluger propagan-
daen råt. De 80% er nemme at lokke. Se hvor-
mange der stemmer på partier og politikere
der har snydt dem i årevis.
Tunfisk udnyttes kommercielt af sine forældre.
Det skriver hun en bog om senere.
Hun er vidst gammel nok til at være myndig.!
Er det først nu det går op for Jer.
Hendes væremåde og ageren sagde alt lige fra starten, da hun sad alene og demonstrerede i skolegården.
Hun kunne jo ikke blive andet end venstrefacist, når forældrene er det.
Æblerne falder sjældent lang fra stammen.!
Mere om importen:
Tva i DR havde et indslag i går, om det nedenstående, og dette sagde mig, at det er endten et Jalousi drab, eller er et æretdrab. Jeg holdte på det sidste.!
Så er der lys i Løgten lille Mor.
Gartneren har udsalg.
Det ligger desværre hos mig, at håne når folk stemmer rådent.!