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Pig Heart Successfully Transplanted to Man

A genetically modified pig heart has been successfully transplanted into a 57-year-old man who had no other treatment options but is “doing well” 3 days after the procedure, officials at the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC), Baltimore, announced today.

“This organ transplant demonstrated for the first time that a genetically modified animal heart can function like a human heart without immediate rejection by the body,” they said.

The patient, Maryland resident David Bennett, had required mechanical circulatory support to stay alive but was rejected for standard heart transplantation at UMMC and other centers. He was ineligible for an implanted ventricular assist device due to ventricular arrhythmias.

Fra Medscape

4 Kommentarer

  1. De protesterer bare højlydt om racisme, som da de fik udviklet ny insulin til sukkersyge. De stakkels hjælpeløse muslimer kunne selvfølgelig ikke acceptere insulin fra svinets bugspytkirtel.

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