Israel og den autonome irakiske delstat Kurdistan (KRG) arbejder sammen

Israeli refineries and oil companies imported more than 19m barrels of Kurdish oil

Israel turns to Kurds for threequarters of its oil supplies between the beginning of May and August 11, according to shipping data, trading sources and satellite tanker tracking. This would be worth almost $1bn based on international prices over the period.
That is the equivalent of about 77 per cent of average Israeli demand, which runs at roughly 240,000 barrels per day. More than a third of all of the northern Iraqi exports, which are shipped from Turkey’s Mediterranean port of Ceyhan, went to Israel over the period.

Fra Financial Times 23. august 2015 (betaling)

Hvad mon Einheilslisten siger til det? De støtter kurderne og hader Israel 🙂

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