“Israeli Hostage Reportedly Held Captive by Al Jazeera ‘Journalist’”

Jeg ved ikke om det er korrekt, men jeg vil IKKE blive overrasket … 🙁

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Aljamal and his immediate family attempted to block the twenty-six-year-old hostage’s rescue and were shot and killed during the ensuing confrontation.

By David Rosenberg

An Israeli woman taken hostage by Hamas terrorists during the invasion of southwestern Israel on October 7th was held captive in the home of an Al Jazeera reporter, according to a report Sunday.

Noa Argamani, one of four Israeli hostages freed by Israel in a daring undercover special operations raid in the town of Nuseirat in central Gaza on Saturday, was found in the home of Abdallah Aljamal, a photojournalist, editor, and reporter for Al Jazeera and the Palestinian Chronicle, Open Source Intelligence Monitor reported.

Abdallah Aljamal, the Al Jazeera photojournalist who reportedly held Noa Argamani captive in his home. (Twitter/X)

Aljamal and his immediate family also attempted to block the twenty-six-year-old hostage’s rescue, and were shot and killed during the ensuing confrontation.

Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor confirmed that Aljamal, his father, Ahmed Aljamal, and his wife Fatima, were killed during the raid.

In addition to his work for the Palestine Chronicle and Al Jazeera, Abdallah Aljamal had worked as a spokesman for the Hamas-run Gaza Ministry of Labor.

Last month, Israel temporarily banned Al Jazeera from operating within its borders, after passing a law allowing the government to shutter hostile media outlets for up to 45 days at a time under a wartime regulation passed earlier this year.

The Israeli Supreme Court upheld the ban, but shortened its duration by ten days, spurring the government to appeal the move, insisting on extending the closure.

On Sunday, the court ordered the Israeli government to respond to a petition calling for the overturning of the law under which Al Jazeera was banned, giving the state up to August 5th to justify the legislation.

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Kilde: JL


Nu påstår Al-Jazeerah selvfølgelig at han ikke var ansat hos dem … Business as usual

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2 Kommentarer

  1. Erindrer en begivenhed, hvor sovjetiske embedsfolk blev kidnappet af muhamedanske terrorister, hvorefter spetnaz bortførte familiemedlemmer til terroristerne, og sovjet derefter meddelte: Nu er vi klar til forhandling😄

  2. Det hér viser vidst med al tydelighed, at HamASS ER det PISStilenske folk.
    Og det PISStilensiske folk ER HamASS!
    Længere er dén ikke.
    Og det begrænser sig end ikke en gang til allah dem, der opholder sig i Gaza.
    Men inkluderer desuden yderligere umphteen mio. arabiske og PISStilensiske marcherende brøleaber Verden over.

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