“Rescued hostage Noa Argamani said her ‘biggest worry’ during captivity was her parents”

Hendes mor led af en fremskreden cancer og Noa var bange for ikke at se hende igen i live

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Kilde: JL

Mange israelere deltager nu i den første NOVA koncert efter hamass-terroristernes angreb 7 oktover 2023:

Almost nine months after Hamas terrorists stormed the Nova music festival, killing more than 360 revelers and abducting 40 others to Gaza, tens of thousands of people gathered in Tel Aviv’s HaYarkon Park on Thursday evening for what organizers dubbed a “healing concert.”

The concert was the first official event held by the Tribe of Nova since Oct. 7, when the trance music community became synonymous with Israel’s catastrophe.

Many survivors of the Oct. 7 massacre attended as part of an ongoing reckoning with their trauma. But others in the crowd, which organizers claimed exceeded 40,000, stood out as noticeably different from the typical attendees at the festival on Oct. 7. Families with young children ate potatoes next to septuagenarian couples waving their arms in sync with the music.

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