Nu ser det – omsider – ud til at valgsvindlen i Georgia i 2020 bliver afsløret ! opdateret

En gruppe borgere i Georgia har nu fundet dokumentation og guvornøren i Georgia vil undersøge det …

Taget fra Vlad

here appears to be genuine evidence of election fraud in Georgia that could have cost Trump the election. Apparently, there are logs that show that tends of thousands of ballots where counted twice but in different machines

Full text:

BREAKING: A group of citizens in Georgia DECLARED a State Of Emergency With Georgia Election System. They discovered a VOTER FRAUD in their state and they have receipts to back it up. “Ballots so they were counted twice for the second machine count. We know with certainty that this duplication of ballots was not, I want to repeat was not an administrative error, rather the duplication process was due to INTENTIONAL HUMAN INTERVENTION. Intentional human intervention is the predicate for election FRAUD.”

“You all know our cases SEB 2023-25. In that case you know that it involved 17,852 votes counted without ballot images. You also know that for the first machine count 20,713 ballots were counted with what I like to call receipts, I guess the fancy word is tabulator tapes. The last part of this complaint perhaps is the most concerning because we’ve uncovered some recent information that makes itself in addition to proving that 30,930 ballots were scanned and counted, I wanna say that again and counted twice.”

Taget fra Vlad


her han du se lidt af de dobbelt optalte “stemmer” :

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