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Activists trickle to Lebanon to protest Israel war

International and local activists are planning on Saturday to bring a civilian convoy to southern Lebanon, worst hit by Israel’s 28-day-old war on Hizbollah, to deliver aid and show solidarity with suffering residents.

“We hope this will be the first of what will become continuous convoys to show that there are civilians being killed and affected by this war,” Adam Shapiro, an American documentary filmmaker and human rights activist, told Reuters.

“If governments are failing to act, we as citizens will.”

Shapiro, 34, is among several activists from the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), a pro-Palestinian group that usually works to bring attention to Israeli occupation of Palestinian land, who have traveled to Lebanon seeking non-violent ways to support local groups protesting the war.

This time, however, the activists will not be facing Israeli soldiers, tanks or bulldozers but aerial bombardment.

“I’m not sure we can be as ambitious as to end the war but certainly we can change the dynamic,” Shapiro said. “In the media this has so far been portrayed as a war between Israel and Hizbollah. Maybe we can change the dynamic so it is seen as what it is, Israel versus all of Lebanon.”

Mere på Al-Reuters via DemocracyFrontline. At det er Reuters ser man tydeligt på overskriften – ‘Israels krig’ og indholdet – Israel mod Libanon. Sender de også grupper til Israel for at beskytte civile der? Og de gør det for at vise, at det er en krig mellem Israel og Libanon. Men ikke et ord om at det er en krig mellem hetzbollah og den israelske civilbefolkning.

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