Payback is a BITCH : tænk engang: hamas-zombier = mindre tilslutning på (Emerson) College …

Hvem kunne dog have gættet at voldberedte hamas-zombier IKKE er god reklame ? …

Det lader minsandten til at forældre hellere vil have at colleges lærer deres børn noget nyttigt i stedet for kommunisme !

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Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts, revealed that it is experiencing low enrollment numbers for the 2024-2025 freshman class, partly due to pro-Palestinian protests that occurred on campus.

College officials emailed faculty and staff, stating that the “size” of the freshman class in the fall was “significantly below” what they had hoped it would be, pointing to pro-Palestinian protests and “negative” press as reasons for the low enrollment.

“Now that the College’s enrollment deposit deadline for this year has passed, we want to share with our community that the size of our projected incoming first-year class for Fall 2024 is significantly below what we had hoped,” the email began.

The email continued to note that the low enrollment numbers were attributed to “multiple factors,” which included data showing “national enrollment trends away from smaller private institutions,” along with “student protests” and “negative press and social media generated from the demonstrations and arrests,” among other reasons.

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