The BBC News website learnt that some Muslims often cross the religious divide – under the cover of darkness – from the Sharia part of Kano to Sabon Gari for dancing, alcohol and sex.
“I often bring many of them here at night to drink,” says Mohammed, a taxi driver in the city.
“It’s an open secret, my brother. The code is thou shall not be caught,” he says with a knowing smile.
Mohammed wouldn’t say whether he also makes the nocturnal pilgrimage to the city’s pleasure island.
“As long as no-one sees you, you remain a good Muslim and the Hisbah can’t come after you.”
Via Dhimmi Watch
Selvfølgelig. Så længe man prædiker love der er helt i strid med menneskets natur, vil der eksistere hykleri.
Hykleriet gælder kun for hankønnet, deres undertrykte hoved sække kvinder befinder sig trygt i klædeskabet derhjemme !