Slavery in the Arab World (Paperback)

Murray Gordon’s expressed purpose in writing Slavery in the Arab World was to raise awareness about an issue which has been neglected in academia in recent years: the vast arab slave trade, which for millenia dwarfed any other slave operations in the world.

slaveri.jpgThe book contrasts arab slavery, which granted some minimal rights to its slaves, to european slavery, which, although it lasted briefly compared to arab slavery, was arguably harsher in its treatment of slaves. the book traces the history of slavery from the dawn of islam, to the 1960’s, when it was abolished in the gulf states, noting that slavery still persists in some african nations. it is fairly easy to read, and contians a great deal of information on the topic.
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Læs også om 1 million europæere som slaver i Nordafrika, i en ikke så fjern fortid.

The Scourge of Slavery – The Rest of the Story

Eller om hvordan arabiske slavehandlere tog mere end 140 millioner afrikanere som slaver – den hvide mands slavehandel er barnemad ved siden af den muslimske.


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Slavery in the Arab World (Paperback)

Murray Gordon’s expressed purpose in writing Slavery in the Arab World was to raise awareness about an issue which has been neglected in academia in recent years: the vast arab slave trade, which for millenia dwarfed any other slave operations in the world.

slaveri.jpgThe book contrasts arab slavery, which granted some minimal rights to its slaves, to european slavery, which, although it lasted briefly compared to arab slavery, was arguably harsher in its treatment of slaves. the book traces the history of slavery from the dawn of islam, to the 1960’s, when it was abolished in the gulf states, noting that slavery still persists in some african nations. it is fairly easy to read, and contians a great deal of information on the topic.
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Læs også om 1 million europæere som slaver i Nordafrika, i en ikke så fjern fortid.

The Scourge of Slavery – The Rest of the Story

Eller om hvordan arabiske slavehandlere tog mere end 140 millioner afrikanere som slaver – den hvide mands slavehandel er barnemad ved siden af den muslimske.


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