Yes, even the JCI can weigh in on celebrity gossip, but hopefully without becoming a tabloid.
Rather, we want to shine a lighton the reckless comments actor Tom Cruise has recently made that psychiatry is a “quack” field and his belief that postpartum depression cannot be treated pharmacologically. We can onlyhope that his influence as a celebrity does not hold back thosein need of psychiatric treatment.
Several interviews have aired in which Tom Cruise has publicized his disdain for psychiatry and the mental health profession (1, 2). In one interview, Cruise claimed to know the literature on the history of psychiatry, chemical imbalances, and Ritalin (methylphenidate), the attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) drug (1). In another, he called actress Brooke Shields irresponsible for publishing a book on her battle with and treatment of postpartum depression, since he believes vitamins and exercise are all that is needed for treatment (2).
Throughout these and other interviews, Cruise spewed a number of irresponsible statements, attempting to pass them off as facts. However, several of Cruise’s statements are very easy to dispel as false.
Hele historien på Journal of Clinical Investigations
Det er endnu et eksempel på, at skuespillere og andre politisk korrekte tror, de er alvidende om alverdens ting.
Var der nogen der sagde von Trier?
Nu skyder du vist med spredehagl. Skal det komme Von Trier til skade at wackoen Cruise er blevet hjernevasket af scientology til at sige den slags ting?
Men du mener måske ikke at der er andre end politikere der bør udtale sig om politik? Hvem sagde smagsdommer? Eller det gælder måske kun for kunstnere og venstreorienterede.
We are fortunate that the following people have looked and contributed to a growing awareness of the cause of crime, drugs, immorality, illiteracy and even terrorism.
They have exposed a single force behind social chaos, believe it or not:
Dr Timothy Scott, author of America Fooled: the Truth about Antidepressants, Antipsychotics and How We Have Been Deceived
Dr Fred Baughman, author of The ADHD Fraud: how Psychiatry Makes Patients of Normal Children
Dr T Szasz, author of The Myth of Mental Ilness
Journalist Kelly O’Meara, author of Psyched out: how Psychiatry Sells Mental IIness and Pushes Drugs that Kill
Ms Olsen, author of Confessions of an Rx Drugpusher
And last but not least, Karl Loren
Psychiatry is a just an essential element in psychopolitics, all neatly funded by the government and neatly paid for by the functional illiterate taxpayer, who hasn’t been able to really educate himself. Hello, how are you?
Psychiatric help is so succesful that it only kills about 3000 people a month.
There are many alternatives, not just exercise and vitamins, but they don’t pay off.
Gwen Olsen, a former pharmaceutical industry representative, told an expert panel in Washington D.C. last January how she influenced doctors with gifts and presented skillfully manipulated data to get them to prescribe drugs that harmed patients. Her moment of truth came when her 20-year-old niece committed suicide following a withdrawal reaction from the antidepressant Paxil. Ms. Olsen, who has authored the book Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher, is a passionate and outspoken critic, protecting the lives of children and young adults by exposing pharma and psychiatric collusion to defraud the public.
Allen Jones, was a former investigator for the Pennsylvania Office of the Inspector General. Although he was charged through his position in this office with the responsibility to “find fraud, waste, and abuse in the Commonwealth’s programs, operations, and contracts,” Mr. Jones was pressured and ultimately fired when he refused to stop an investigation that uncovered evidence of drug companies giving financial inducements to state officials to promote certain psychotropic drugs. Vindicated in the end, Mr. Jones has made it his life’s work to inform the public of the dangers of these drugs and the corruption of a system, in league with the psychiatric industry that creates the diseases pharmaceutical companies can then “treat.”
Dr. Colin Ross exposed the role of psychiatry in secret CIA mind control experiments. His investigation amassed 15,000 pages of documents through the Freedom of Information Act and resulted in his acclaimed book, The CIA Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists which has sold more than 6,000 copies. He has delivered more than 340 workshops, and appeared as an expert in two documentaries – “Mind Control” on the History Channel, and “Conspiracy Files: CIA Mind Control,” on the Discovery Channel.
Dr. Friedberg did more than 30 years of work to expose the brutal and deadly psychiatric “procedure” called Electro Convulsive Therapy (ECT). Dr. Friedberg’s expert testimony, articles, books, and interviews, proves that ECT causes irreparable brain damage and death, and has resulted in landmark legislation to curb and prevent its use.
Did you know that people who don’t know they don’t know are often extremely arrogant?
You were still wearing diapers when above investigators worked hard to save your ass.
I feel sorry for you, I really do Odjah.
But you are just another victim.
Will you ever help yourself?