Ann Coulter under angreb

Editor & Publisher, a newspaper trade magazine, slammed Ann Coulter again.

The latest installments in the magazine’s jihad against Coulter includes a story that Georgia’s Augusta Chronicle has become the second newspaper to drop Coulter’s nationally syndicated column. The magazine said Coulter’s “stridency” has crossed the line.

Since Coulter’s new book, Godless: The Church of Liberalism,” shot to the top of the best-seller lists, liberal media outlets have been furious that Coulter criticized four of the 9/11 widows for their political activities.

Hun er godt nok også en hårdtslående højreorienteret kvinde, som ikke er bange for at sætte tingene på spidsen. Jeg har læst en af hendes bøger, den er meget underholdende, men man skal nok have lidt kendskab til amerikansk politik og kunne engelsk – selvfølgelig. Godless er bestilt herfra.

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