Mange tror at BBC er verdens fineste og mest objektive nyhedsorganisation:

In May 2001, BBC fabricated a film clip in an attempt to show Israeli brutality. When Israelis struck a Palestinian base in Gaza, there were no pictures of victims — since Israel struck at empty buildings. But BBC editors inserted a film clip of Israeli victims of Palestinian terror arriving at an Israeli hospital, to suggest that these were victims of Israeli attack. The newsreader in London, a former BBC correspondent in Israel herself, ended the segment with “These are the pictures from Gaza.

“BBC’s bias is perhaps summed up best by one of its own employees, Fayad Abu Shamala, the BBC correspondent in Gaza for the past 10 years. Speaking at a Hamas rally on May 6, 2001, he declared:

“Journalists and media organizations [are] waging the campaign shoulder-to-shoulder together with the Palestinian people.”


Vinder af 2001 “Dishonest Reporting Award”


1 Kommentar

  1. BBC liars caught red handed 2nd February 2006

    The BBC have this evening made a very silly mistake by lying to their millions of television viewers and online readers.

    At 18.50hrs a BBC 1 television news bulletin stated that Mark Collett and Nick Griffin are to face a retrial.

    This statement also appeared on their website:

    The once respected State broadcaster has lied by saying that the Free Speech Two face a “race hate retrial”. This is a downright lie and the BBC must be held to account for this appalling piece of propaganda. Read the rest

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