Britain First vinder over Facebook

After weeks of legal wrangling, Facebook has capitulated and reinstated the ‘Britain First Northern Ireland’ page.

This morning, Britain First leader Paul Golding met with a senior QC (above) in Belfast to lay the ground for an imminent legal assault on Facebook.

However, at the last minute, Facebook has surrendered and reinstated our ‘Britain First Northern Ireland’ page.

This is a major victory over social media censorship.

Facebook closed our pages down back in March, cutting off 2.6million of our supporters.

Now Britain First will have an official presence on Facebook once again.

Political discrimination is illegal in Northern Ireland and a QC has expressed his willingness to fight Facebook for us.

Please watch my video update:

Please click below and LIKE the new Britain First Northern Ireland page:

Yours sincerely,

Britain First

Paul Golding
Leader, Britain First

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