De 10 bud får lov at blive stående

Oklahoma City: En føderal dommer afsagde i fredags en dom, der gik ud på, at et monument med de 10 bud kan blive stående udenfor en retsbygning.

Argumentet var at monumentet indgår sammen med andre historiske monumenter i en historisk helhed.

Modstanderne ‘the American Civil Liberties Union’ udtaler at “domstolens afgørelse udgør et tab for religionsfriheden.”

Mere på The Guardian via DemocracyFrontline

1 Kommentar

  1. let me tell you, if “you” like “this”,Then “they” (the a.c.l.u.), don’t like “this”,and “they” will “take” you to court,for “this”, if “you” like “that”,”they”, then hate “that”,and yes,”you” got it!!!!,they will take “you” to court, for “that”,(the point is) whatever “you” like,”they” don’t like, “they” are, (have can I say it without being to rude),a bunch of “educated clowns” (advokater),just a huge pain in you in the ass,and I mean H-U-G-E. but perhaps they are not able to get a real paying job.

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De 10 bud får lov at blive stående

Oklahoma City: En føderal dommer afsagde i fredags en dom, der gik ud på, at et monument med de 10 bud kan blive stående udenfor en retsbygning.

Argumentet var at monumentet indgår sammen med andre historiske monumenter i en historisk helhed.

Modstanderne ‘the American Civil Liberties Union’ udtaler at “domstolens afgørelse udgør et tab for religionsfriheden.”

Mere på The Guardian via DemocracyFrontline

1 Kommentar

  1. let me tell you, if “you” like “this”,Then “they” (the a.c.l.u.), don’t like “this”,and “they” will “take” you to court,for “this”, if “you” like “that”,”they”, then hate “that”,and yes,”you” got it!!!!,they will take “you” to court, for “that”,(the point is) whatever “you” like,”they” don’t like, “they” are, (have can I say it without being to rude),a bunch of “educated clowns” (advokater),just a huge pain in you in the ass,and I mean H-U-G-E. but perhaps they are not able to get a real paying job.

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