Her er highlights fra deres diskussionsside på IslamOnline:
“The cartoons came in an overall anti-Muslim atmosphere that had been liberally portrayed in many parts of the Danish media. Social and economic problems were attributed by extreme right-wing thought to the immigrants, many of which were Muslim. Intellectuals who tried to advocate for immigrant rights were marginalized and cast aside as irrelevant and unrealistic in their judgments.”
Ja det må jo være tonen, de har hørt om, man kan jo gisne om, fra hvem?
“The cartoons, we learned, were in fact a deliberate provocation. However, in our discussion with Tøger Seidenfaden, Editor-in-Chief of Politiken, a leading newspaper which stood firmly against the publication of the cartoons, the issue is a domestic one, and could have remained so had the Prime Minister handled it better.”
Ja det er jo Tøgers manipulerede version, den har vi hørt til hudløshed, og den køber de selvfølgelig råt. Har de overhovedet talt med nogen, der forsvarer Jyllandsposten?
Q: “why is it that the noise didn’t start until this particular infamous cartoon was published in Denmark when, in fact, similar caricatures were published in Egypt during Ramadan, 2005 (http://freedomforegyptians.blogspot.com/2006/02/egyptian-newspaper-pictures-that.html)? ”
Svar: “Also, unlike before, Muslims are now a permanent part of European society.”
(Nederst på siden står: ”
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Se det var et meget interessant spørgsmål, som de glider let og elegant udenom at svare på.
“Muslims in Denmark have in fact taken the case to the courts, but the judge rejected the case, based on his interpretation of the cartoons, which he evaluated as not being an attack on the actual belief (this was refuted as short-sighted, since there are questions on whether or not Islamic scholars were actually consulted before the judge made that evaluation).”
Nej men det er da også for galt, danske domstole skal have et kursus i shariah, så de forstår den rette vej.
“Some Danish Muslims and imams that we spoke to felt that they were in fact deliberately being ignored by the government, and they were clearly hurt.”
Mon det er Labanen og Skoledrengen de har talt med. Så forstår jeg godt – de stakler er jo også helt oversete personer, der aldrig har haft muligheden for at komme til orde.
“In answering the second part of your question, it is important to note that the Muslims we have met there, especially the young generation, are capable of providing the right image about Islam. They are very active and dynamic in raising awareness about Islam and Muslims. And they themselves set very good examples of behavior that we learned from.”
Ja det må man give dem. Muhammedanerne har iscensat sig selv, så de overdøver alle andre trossamfund og ateister mm i Danmark.
“Many Danes that we met stood against the cartoons but curiously upheld the newspaper’s right to publish them, even if they disagreed with the act and considered it offensive.”
Ja underligt nok!
Q: “What is the environment like in denmark after all these global protests and boycotts? Are the Danish people taking this matter into consideration, or treating it as a show of Islamic fundamentalism?”
A: “Here we have to highlight the role of media in this whole incident. There was too much focus on individual violent reactions such as the burning of the embassies, flags, and the death threats. This has, unfortunately, clouded their perception of Muslim reaction, and many have started to view even the non-violent means of protests such as the boycott in a negative way. Danish Muslims told us that the violent demonstrations that took place in some parts of the Muslim world were very detrimental as Danish Muslims are the ones who pay the price. These actions give fodder to the extreme-right wing party in Denmark to incite more hatred against Muslims. Therefore, the result was that the violence led to less understanding, creating more problems and offering no solutions.”
Det er mediernes skyld. De kunne bare have ladet være med at rapportere om flag- og ambassadeafbrændinger, vold og drab. Hvis de ikke havde gjort det, havde danskerne været positive overfor boykotten.
Q: “Do you think the Denmark cartoon crisis has increased the universal brotherhood of Islam?” A: “Definitely. Muslims all over the world, whether they were practicing or non-practicing, felt that they had to stand up to be counted. This is in and of itself a positive result that we need to build on.”Er det Det Islamiske Broderskab og Salafisterne, de hentyder til her? Lidt uklart.Q: “How are Muslims treated in Denmark after all what happened?”A: “Some Muslims, especially young women, told us that they did in fact face a lot of racism. They were subjected to physical abuse in the streets, even though some of them were not wearing the hijab. Some were actually beaten and others had their hijabs pulled from their heads. Some of the abuse was verbal with the word “perker,” which is the Danish equivalent of “nigger” being used. Much of this abuse came from old people who are still unable to accept “foreigners” in their midst.Ja jeg kan ikke huske, hvornår jeg har læst i aviserne, at muslimske kvinder har fået tæsk på gaden. Nogen der kan oplyse mig her? Men overfald på og voldtægt af danske kvinder kan vi da finde adskillige eksempler på.Although in Denmark there are no laws that prevent women wearing the hijab from working, we found that a common complaint from young Muslim women wearing the hijab was that they were continuously being refused employment because of their hijab. They told us that although prospective employers would be impressed by their CVs and phone interviews, as soon as they met them, they would refuse to employ them, saying directly that it was because of their hijab. One girl told us that she applied to 158 jobs and was refused because of her hijab. Some girls told us that to save the time and effort that it takes to go through the interview process, they place their pictures on the CVs so that the employers would know beforehand.On the other hand, we also met a lot of Muslims, some of them women wearing the hijab, who had not experienced racism or discrimination.However, Muslims there feel that they are tired of always being put under scrutiny. They wanted to be simply regarded as Danes.”
Så vidt jeg husker, viste DR’s!! udsendelse om muslimer og arbejde, at danske virksomheder er fordomsfrie og tolerante. Det er de muslimske kvinder der IKKE VIL arbejde og som er fordomsfulde. De to muslimske kvinder der foretog undersøgelsen konkluderede at “deres trosfæller burde have frataget kontanthjælp og TVINGES i arbejde”
“The most important thing that Muslims need to know is that no matter how many times and how eloquently they explain to others what Islam is and what Muslims believe, nothing is as effective as conduct. Many non-Muslims are tired of hearing about the ideals of Islam when they do not see them practiced by Muslims.”
Spørgsmålet er, om deres opførsel NETOP er billedet på den rette islam?
“This current situation of the cartoons showed that Muslim actions give those who are intolerant a chance to ridicule what is most loved and cherished.”
Spørgsmålet er netop – hvem er de intolerante? Læs eventuelt Sørlanders artikel, der kom for nylig om tolerance.
Q: “I just wanted to ask, do you think that what the Muslims did around the world –bombing buildings, hurting people, burning flags — necessary in order to express anger at the cartoons?”
A: “Certainly, some Muslim reactions have elicited confusion and offense. Also, the media’s focus on such actions more than others played a significant role in alienating the public from the Muslim cause. However, in genuine attempts to understand each other’s grievances, it is important to highlight the fact that Muslims in many parts of the world have been feeling oppressed and humiliated for various reasons, and from different directions.”
Ofre igen igen. Og mediernes forkerte fokus. Og slutningen: der er alle mulige andre grunde end tegningerne til deres opførsel.
Konklusion: De har været i Danmark med deres fordomme og intolerance, og talt med de ‘rigtige’ mennesker, så de kunne få dem bekræftet.
Så meget for påstanden om at det var moderate muslimer der kom på besøg.