Det kommunistiske Black Lives Matter (BLM) i UK har dannet en illegal, racistisk, uniformeret paramilitær afdeling.

The communist organisation Black Lives Matter (BLM) in the UK has formed an illegal, racist, uniformed paramilitary wing.

Uniformed paramilitary groups are banned under UK laws, some going back to the 1930s.

These uniformed thugs want to smash the police and make Britain a communist country.

They are overtly racist against the indigenous white British.

They pretend to be victims, but in reality they are vicious anti-white racists who hate our country.

Britain First has launched an emergency petition demanding that the government take swift and decisive action against this illegal paramilitary organisation.

Please sign and share without delay.

Yours sincerely,
Britain First HQ

2 Kommentarer

  1. I Danmark og Sverige er der vist endnu ikke dannet noget halvmilitært af samme slags. Men til gengæld er der massevis af bander, og tilsammen kan de nok gøre lige så megen skade.

    • Skulle den type militser få lov til at udvikle sig, så må der være en god mulighed for, at modparten kan oprette en milits der kan ‘modarbejde’ dem. Skulle dette, grundet staten, vise sig at være umuligt, så ved man jo også hvor staten står, hvis de ikke griber hårdt ind og stopper udviklingen af ALLE militser…prompte.

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