Det skriver Bitte Assarmo her
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Pave Frans har nu indviet årets julekrybbe i audienssalen Aula Paolo VI. Nyt i år er, at Jesusbarnet er svøbt i et keffiyeh, et palæstinensisk sjal. Med dette politisk ladede symbol formidler den katolske kirke et budskab, som ikke kun er i modstrid med den kristne lære, men som også er resultatet af en dybt usmagelig revision af historien: Jesus var ikke jøde. Han var palæstinenser.
Nu er det selvfølgelig ikke hovedideen bag det palæstinensiske sjal i krybben. Det handler snarere om at vise støtte til det kristne palæstinensiske mindretal, hvoraf en stor del er katolikker. Den katolske kirke har et ansvar for deres ve og vel, og da terrorregimer i Midtøsten ikke bekymrer sig meget mere om kristne end om jøder, indebærer kirkens ansvar en svær balancegang for ikke at irritere terrorregimer.
Du må have en vis forståelse for det. Men det her er at gå for langt. Alt for langt.
Hvis man ønskede, at Jesusbarnet skulle repræsentere lidende børn i almindelighed, kunne man lige så godt have ladet det hvile på et sudanesisk klæde eller en afghansk burka. Men den tanke har nok ikke strejfet paven eller nogen anden i hans stab.
I betragtning af den katolske kirkes lange historie med antisemitisme, er det palæstinensiske Jesusbarn en fornærmelse mod verdens jødiske mindretal. Det var trods alt, terrorister som var valgt af palæstinensere, der angreb Israel den 7. oktober sidste år, og ikke omvendt.
At pave Frans er meget tydeligere i den konflikten, end han er i andre konflikter, handler selvfølgelig også om kirkens antisemitiske arv. Da Frans forsøger at være en slags »vågen« pave, som vil være på linje med de venstreliberale kræfter i Vesten, har han også taget synet på palæstinensere som evige ofre, og jøderne som undertrykkere til sig.
Fra et katolsk kristent perspektiv er det at fratage Jesus hans jødiske etnicitet, også en direkte overtrædelse af deres egen lære og traditioner. Den katolske kirke anerkender ikke kirker, der laver deres egne tilføjelser til evangelierne, såsom Jehovas Vidner og Jesu Kristi Kirke af Sidste Dages Hellige, men her udøver de vold mod hele Jesu person.
Pave Frans og Vatikanet er med andre ord fuldstændig skamløse. Og får derfor ros fra kræfter, som længe har vist deres fjendtlighed over for det jødiske folk. Arabiske aviser roser krybbespillet, og den svenske kirkepræst Anna Karin Hammar skriver glad på sin Facebook-side, at »pave Frans’ inklusion er prisværdig«.
»Jeg har aldrig tidligere været så glad for min beslutning om at forlade den katolske kirke som nu.
Teksten blev oprindeligt udgivet på Det Goda Samhället, udgivet her med forfatterens tilladelse.
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Den katolske kirke er IKKE tjent med såden en woke uvidende pave 🙁
Her er en anden god artikel om den tossede pave:
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Pope Francis is complicit in advancing the fake ‘Palestinian Jesus’ narrative
The Vatican has unveiled its 2024 Christmas display—which met with Pope Francis’s approval—and it deliberately advances the leftist/Muslim narrative that Jesus was a “Palestinian.” This is a historical rewrite of the worst kind and gives fuel to the worst people.
History is not complicated:
The Bible says—and nothing contradicts it—that around the early 17th century B.C., the Israelites settled in the Land of Canaan, which became the Nation of Israel. Around the year 1,000 B.C., King David defeated the Philistines, who were the Israelite’s ancient enemies. For the next slightly more than 400 years, whether as a single nation or as the split nations of Judah and Israel, the same land was ruled entirely by the Jewish people.
In 586 B.C. (and history does confirm this), Assyria conquered the ancient Kingdom of Israel, which ceased to exist. However, the Kingdom of Judah continued. In subsequent centuries, the Kingdom of Judah was conquered by and became a vassal of the Babylonians and the Hellenist Greeks. The 2nd century B.C. Maccabean revolt saw a brief return to Jewish control but, in 63 B.C., the Romans conquered the Kingdom of Judah.
Through it all, the land was always understood to be the Jewish land. The Jews may have been a vassal state or colony, but the whole thing was Jewish. Indeed, in 6 AD, when the Romans cracked down on the Jews, they still recognized the ancient Kingdom of Judah, for they renamed the land “Judea.”
Around the year 1 A.D. (the moment when the world ticked over from “Before Christ” to “Anno Domini [the year of our Lord]),” a man known as Jesus of Nazareth was born in the Roman-controlled Jewish colony of Judea. His lineage, for he was descended from King David, and his message made it clear that he was a Jew and identified as such.
In the year 70 A.D., after yet another Jewish uprising, the Romans finally and brutally conquered the Jewish people. To signal that the Jews no longer had any power in Judea, they renamed it “Palestine.” This was meant to be an insulting reference to the Philistines whom King David had defeated almost 1,000 years before. The Philistines may have been long gone, but the Romans were rubbing in the fact that the Jews, too, were defeated.
However, unlike the vanished Philistines, the Jews never left the land. Instead, they continued to occupy the land of their forefathers in an unbroken chain reaching through today. Indeed, in the late 1600s, a detailed demographic study of the region showed that the residents of what is now Israel were primarily Jews, followed by some Christians and an even smaller number of Bedouins.
Mohammed was born sometime in the latter half of the 6th century A.D. Although he never set foot in Jerusalem, he claimed it as his own because of a dream. Within a very short time, Islam, a religion predicated on conquest through fire, sword, and rape, had conquered most of the Middle East, including Jerusalem and the surrounding land.
However, because this land was so hard, barren, and malarial, it was always a backwater. The Muslims clung to Jerusalem because Mohammed had put his imprimatur on it, but they never really settled there. Only in the 19th century did the flotsam and jetsam of the Muslim world (often Muslims escaping other Muslims) find their way to the land, which was then under the control of the Ottoman Empire. There, they lived in squalor, squatting on property that Ottoman potentates, ensconced in Istanbul, London, and Paris, actually owned.
These late arrivals are the forebearers of the Muslim Arabs who now call themselves “Palestinians.” That term has no historical connection to the Muslim Arabs who were long considered Jordanians. Instead, it was a leftist, politically charged phrase that Yasser Arafat introduced in the 1960s. At the same time, Arafat made the traditional Arab keffiyeh a symbol of his genocidal revolution against the Jews.
Those are the facts. However, facts have never stopped leftists. For some time, now, leftists have been claiming that Jesus was a “Palestinian,” even though “Palestine” came into existence long after Jesus left this world. The point, of course, is to de-Judaize Jesus. Sadly, Pope Francis is a leftist.
I don’t mean any disrespect to the Catholic faith when I say this. The reality is that Pope Francis is a product of the Latin American Catholic Church, which was long ago made a subset of communism via “liberation theology.” Most of you have noticed that, except on the issue of abortion, as to which Pope Francis is still holding the line, all his other policies and obsessions align with the WEF, one worldism, and communism.
Pope Francis’s background explains the grotesque travesty that took place at the Vatican this Christmas season: The Vatican nativity showing the baby Jesus has this child, a Jewish boy born in a Jewish country, resting on a Palestinian keffiyeh, as if he were an antisemitic Muslim:
Ironically, of course, the Muslims have driven out all Jews and almost all Christians from Bethlehem. Jesus would not be welcome there.
The message from the Vatican, a message predicated on the ugliest type of antisemitic historical revisionism, is that Jews have no connection to the land and that Jesus had no connection to the Jews.
This Pope is doing more damage to Catholicism than the Medicis or Borgias put together. Those medieval and Renaissance popes were materially corrupt, but they believed in the faith. Things are different now.
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Abbas skal selvfølgelig mødes med den woke pave :
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“Paven” burde sidde i spjældet forlængst…
Hvem gider at tage ham alvorligt? Læs lukas evg. Jesus bliver undfanget udenfor den drakonisjexdel af moseloven, som islam har kopieret og gjort strengere.
Datidens spørgsmål blandt jøder og især farisæerne må have været. Kan man være-guds søn- når man er undfanget udenfor loven. Læs Markus evg kapitel to ( sabbathen var streng lov). Loven er til for menneskene skyld. Menneskene ikke til for lovens skyld ( man ofre ikke længere sine uægte børn til guden Molok-HVIS loven var til for guds skyld, kunne han jo ikkevære det). Logikken her er jo simpel-hvis man tror på Gud og elsker gud, som altings skaber, som jo har skabt jorden, dyrene, og dig og mig, så er man jo også ( indirekte) guds barn. Datter
ELLER SØN. Paven burde ikke støtte nogen som ofre deres børn i deres jødehad.
Bekæmp islam. En usekulær diktator religion med et bizart førerprofet ideal, som hader den frihed alle andre har. Bl.a støt og foreningen frafalden (fb). God jul. God onsdag. Mvh Michael Unna
Pave “Frans med rullekrave” – en lallende naiv jubelidiot – nu også MED rulleSTOL!
Var dét ikke ham, der savlende salvede det ny Herrefolks fødder?
Han er jo en helt – med høj narrehat