If you were wondering where the anti-Christian and anti-Jewish bias of the Da Vinci Code movie came from, apparently it is not only from the secular lefties who hate religion. They have some mates.
Ted Baehr, Chairman of the Christian Film and Television Commission (a non-profit organization committed to educating the entertainment industry and the general public of the media’s impact on its audiences) says Mohammed Yusef’s Invicta Capital put up most of the estimated 200 million dollars it cost to make the film version of Dan Brown’s novel.
Baehr told reporters at a Washington news conference, “I think it’s a very serious problem when people start funding movies and books to attack somebody else’s religious faith.”
Mere på DemocracyFrontline
Så kristne må ikke lave Muhammed-tegninger uden at blive térroriseret, men muslimer må godt lave film, der angriber kristendommen og jøderne.
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