Kidnapping legalt i Ægypten

Hvis bare gerningsmanden er muhammedaner og ofret kristen.


Veiled except for eyes, young Christian woman says she converted to Islam.


Following a three-month search, an Egyptian Christian has discovered his missing sister living with a Muslim family near her home town and professing faith in Islam.Spurred by a brief telephone message from Theresa Ghattass Kamal saying that she was being held against her will and forced to convert to Islam, Sa’eed Ghattass Kamal last week tracked his sister’s suspected captors to the Bedouin desert area of El-Ga’ar, near his home in Wadi El-Natroun, 50 miles northwest of Cairo.Mo’atazz Mohammad Sa’eed at first refused to let Kamal see his sister when the Christian arrived at his home on March 23. He later relented after Kamal insisted that he only wanted to make sure his sister was safe.Mere på: Compass Direct

2 Kommentarer

  1. Men det svenske firma ARLA finder det nok i orden, når bare de kan sälge mælk og ost….

    Föj, for en moral!

  2. Men det svenske firma ARLA finder det nok i orden, når bare de kan sælge mælk og ost….

    Föj, for en moral!

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