Church of England overvejer at afskaffe Skt. George som Englands skytshelgen, fordi han er for krigerisk, og det kan støde muslimerne.
Hvis det sker, vil man også overveje at ændre det engelske flag – et rødt kors på en hvid bund – Skt. Georgs korset.
Mere på Daily Mail via DemocracyFrontline
Hey there i’m writing to you because i’m creating a blog with people from all around the world and I read your blog and found it very interesting. My name’s Rui, i’m a portuguese journalism student, and I want to have a blog
>> >>uniting people from as many countries as it gets. Each one will expose his/her country’s society, culture, politics, sports, religion (…), giving an opinion whenever it’s necessary and therefore i hope to create good debates around topics that really mather. I think this is one of the things Internet was made for.
If you may be interested please read this blog’s posts: This is a blog only for the members.
If you find the idea interesting after reading it please e-mail me and you may be added in.
The main blog is