Mission Defend Europe

Every week, every day, every hour – ships packed with illegal Immigrants are flooding the European borders.

An invasion is taking place. This massiv immigration is changing the face of our continent. We are loosing our safety, our way of life and we will become a minority in our own countries. Our Future – is under attack.

From all across Europe we gathered in Sicilia to take action. Our mission was clear and simple: To defend Europe. We confronted a ship of the organisation “SOS MEDITERRANE” and showed that their actions will not be tolerated any longer. But this was just the beginning.

We are preparing a big rescue mission on the Mediterranean. It’s a mission to rescue Europe by stopping illegal immigration. We want to gather a crew, equip a boat and set sails on the Mediterranean to chase down the trafficking ships. We want to expose the so called “humanitarian” NGOs, since they cooperate with criminal human traffickers, who live from people’s misery. We want to protect our borders from illegal immigration and want to face the enemies of Europe on the sea.

To start our mission, we need your help. The immigration lobby is funded with hundred thousands of Euros by the government and by big donators. We, on the other hand, depend solely on you to fund this mission and to defend Europe. Let’s work together for our future.


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