Porcelain pigs offend Muslims
LEICESTER — Police here in central England seized a collection of porcelain pigs from a house’s window sill after Muslims complained that they were offensive.
“I just couldn’t believe it, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry,” Mrs Nancy Bennett, the owner of the 17 miniature pigs, told the Sun tabloid newspaper.
The porcelain figures were held at the local police station, while Mrs Bennett was threatened with prosecution if she replaces the collection. Her house is located in the same street as the city’s main mosque, meaning that Muslim worshippers often passed by her front window where the pig figurines were on display.
“Muslims find pigs highly offensive,” explained police officer David Griffiths. “That is why the complaints were made”. — Sapa-AFP
Muslims might find pigs offensive, but it is nowhere near as offensive as an English policeman giving in to this immature, socially maladjusted death-cult.
The next time I hear a Muslim defame the Jewish faith or Christianity, and be prosecuted, I might begin to take their grievances with more than a grain of salt.
In light of present events in Syria, and elsewhere, I can’t summon up any other emotion than contempt for Islam.