New York Times journalist anklaget for at være iransk agent

The criminal case of the frequent New York Times contributor charged by prosecutors with being an unregistered foreign agent of Iran has been assigned to Judge Edward Korman in Brooklyn, who has scheduled a February 10 hearing on the Iranian-American’s desire to forgo a lawyer and instead represent himself.

Afrasiabi, who has had about a dozen articles and letters published in the New York Times, was arrested last month at his home in Massachusetts. A criminal complaint unsealed in the case said he had been paid about $265,000 by the Iranian UN mission since 2007 and had been covered by its health insurance plan. Afrasiabi acknowledged to the Algemeiner that he had received the checks from Iran’s UN mission but insisted he had done nothing illegal.

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1 Kommentar

  1. Og en iransk diplomat er idømt 20 års fængsel for medvirken til terrorforsøg. De politisk korrekte må juble af fryd. DRAIN THE SWAMP, ALSO IN UN

    New York Times må have en dårlig smag i munden.

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