“Nutidens jøder er muslimerne,” sagde juraprofessor Henning Koch


Fact: The first theatre to be used solely for the showing of motion
pictures was built by a Jew (Adolf Zukor).
Fact: The first full-length sound picture, The Jazz Singer was produced
by the Jewish Samuel L. Goldwyn and Louis B. Mayer (MGM).
Fact: A Jew, (Dr. Norbert Wiener), was the Inventor of the Science of
Cybernetics, which gave birth to the present Information Age and all
the Technology we use to communicate today.
Fact: A Jew (Dr. Abraham Waksman) coined the term antibiotics.
Fact: A Polish Jew (Casimir Funk) who pioneered a new field of medical
research gave us a word now common in our language – vitamins.
Fact: The first successful operation for appendicitis was performed by
a Jewish surgeon (Dr. Simon Baruch)
Fact: The doctor (Dr. Abraham Jacobi) hailed as America’s father of
pediatrics was a Jew.
Fact: Until a Jewish doctor (Dr. Siccary) showed differently, Americans
believed the tomato was poisonous.
Fact: Jewish Levi “Levi’s” Strauss (inventor of jeans) is the largest
clothing retailer in the world.
Fact: In 1909, four Jews were among the 60 multi-cultural signers of
the call to the National Action, which resulted in the creation of the
Fact: A Jew (Emile Berliner) is the man who developed the modern-day
phonograph. While Thomas Edison was working out a type of phonograph
that used a cylinder as a record, Berliner invented a machine that
would play a disc.
The machine he patented was called the gramophone, and the famous RCA
trademark is a picture of a dog listening to “his master’s voice” on
Berliner’s device. The gramaphone was superior to Edison’s machine.
In short, Emile Berliner made possible the modern record industry.
His company was eventually absorbed by the Victor Talking Machine
Company, now known as RCA.
Fact: Jewish Louis B. Mayer (MGM) created the idea for the Oscar.
Fact: European Jews are the founding fathers of all the Hollywood
Fact: Jews comprise a mere 1/4 of 1% (13 million) of the population (6
Fact: 99% of the world is non Jewish.
Fact: Three of the greatest and most influential thinkers dominating
the 20th century were Jewish – Einstein, Freud, Marx.
Fact: The most popular selling Christmas song (“White Christmas”) was
written by a Jew (Irving Berlin)
Fact: Of the 660 Nobel prizes from 1901-1990, 160 have been won by
Jews. In the end, Jews win more Nobel prizes than any other ethnicity,
simply because they win 40x more than should be expected of them, based
upon their small population numbers.
A Jew (Dr. Jonas Salk) is the creator of the first Polio Vaccine.
Fact: Jews (Hayam Solomon and Isaac Moses) are responsible for creating
the first modern-banking institutions.
Fact: Jews also created the first department stores of the 19th
century: The Altmans, Gimbels, Kaufmanns, Lazaruses, Magnins, Mays,
Strausses became leaders of major department stores.
Julius Rosenwald revolutionized the way Americans purchased goods by
improving Sears Roebuck’s mail order merchandising.
Hart, Schaffner, Marx, Kuppenheimer and Levi Strauss became
household names in mens’ clothing.
(Let’s not forget EJ Korvets – Eight Jewish Korean (war) Veterans.)
Fact: Jewish Marc Chagall (born Segal, Russia) is one of the great
20th century painters.
Fact: English-Jewish financiers such as Isaac Goldsmid, Nathan
Rothschild, David Salomons, and Moses Montefiore, whose fortunes helped
England become an empire.
Fact: In 1918, Detroit, a Jew (Max Goldberg) opened the “first”
commercial parking lot.
Fact: In 1910, a Jew (Louis Blaustein) and his son opened the “first”
gas station, eventually founding AMOCO OIL, one of
the richest oil families in the world.
Fact: A Jew (Dr. Albert Sabin) developed the first “oral polio
Fact: A Jew (Steven Spielberg) is the most successful filmmaker since
the advent of film.
Fact: A Jewish poet’s (Emma Lazarus) famous poem, …”give me your
tired… your poor… your huddled masses,” appears as the inscription
on the Statue Of Liberty.
Fact: Jewish Harry Houdini (Weiss) is the father of Magic/Illusion.
Fact: Dr. Sigmund Freud (Jew) is the father of psychiatry.
Fact: Jewish Abraham is the father of the world’s 3 major religions:
Judaism, Christianity and Islam (ancestors of the Hebrew and Arabic
Jesus (formerly known as “sweet Jewish Jesus”) is still worshipped by billions.
Fact: Jews are the oldest of any people on earth still around with
their national identity and cultural heritage intact.
Fact: George & Ira Gershwin and Irving Berlin (Jews) are three of the
most prolific composers of the 20th century  . . . not to forget,
Marvin Hamlisch.
Fact: Isadore and Nathan Straus (Jews) – “Abraham & Straus,” eventually
became sole owners of Macy’s (world’s largest department store) in
Fact: Dr. Paul “magic bullet” Ehrlich (Jew) – physician, Nobel Prize in
1908 for curing syphilis.
Fact: Armand Hammer (Jew) – “Arm & Hammer,” physician and businessman
who originated the largest trade between U. S. and Russia.
Fact: Louis Santanel (Jew) was the financier who provided the funds for
Columbus’ voyage to America.
Fact: Sherry Lansing (Jew) of Paramount Pictures, became the first
woman president of a major Hollywood studio.
Fact: Flo Zigfield (Jew) of “Zigfield Follies,” is the creator of
American burlesque.
Fact: Jews were the brains behind the Confederacy:
Maj. Adolph Proskauer led the unit at Gettysburg.
Judah P. Benjamin held 4 cabinet positions: Attorney General, February
25 to September 17, 1861; Secretary of War, September 17, 1861, to
March 18, 1862; acting Secretary of War, March 18 to 23, 1862;
Secretary of State, March 18, 1862, until the end of the war) and was
referred to as “the brains of the confederacy.”
Rabbi Max Michelbacher was a confidant and spiritual advisor to
General Robert E. Lee.
A great many Jews fought for the Confederacy, and the
overwhelming were recent immigrants from Germany and East Europe
who felt they were fighting for Democracy.
They fought far out of proportion to their numbers.

Kommentar: For det første: hvor mange kunne være tilføjet på listen, hvis de ikke var forsvundet i Hitlers gaskamre??

For det andet: Hvad har muhammedanerne bidraget med? Og hvad bidrager de med? Udover olie som de pumper op af jorden. Og hvad vil de bidrage med når olien er sluppet op?


 Ignorant dhimmi not knowing what she is doing?

1 Kommentar

  1. Hvem fandt olien for dem ?

    Hvem oprettede og drev olieophentningen ?

    Hvem transporterede olien for dem ?

    Hvad Islamisterne beriger Verden med ?

    Islamisering og terror !

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