Ahmed Akkari i en chat på TV2’s hjemmeside 8 februar 2006:
Spørgsmål til Ahmed Akkari:
Anne: Føler du dig på nogen måde ansvarlig for at sagen om tegningerne er vokset til en international konflikt?
Ahmed Akkari: nej ikke direkte ansvarlig men mere som tumle dumle der faldt nedaf væggen…altså at det ikke var noget som var ment da jeg og andre kontaktede cairo.,lad os prøve at gøre hvad vi kan nu for at det skal vende mod den fredelige vej igen..
Hermed henviser han til Lewis Carrols Alice i Eventyrland: Humpty Dumpty:
`Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall:
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the King’s horses and all the King’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty in his place again.‘
the Humpty Dumpty Nursery Rhyme
Came From*
From the East Anglia Tourist Board in England: “Humpty Dumpty was a powerful cannon during the English Civil War (1642-49). It was mounted on top of the St Mary’s at the Wall Church in Colchester defending the city against siege in the summer of 1648. (Although Colchester was a Parliamentarian stronghold, it had been captured by the Royalists and they held it for 11 weeks.) The church tower was hit by the enemy and the top of the tower was blown off, sending “Humpty” tumbling to the ground. Naturally the King’s men* tried to mend him but in vain.”
*The “men” would have been infantry; “horses”, the cavalry troops.
Humpty lignede som bekendt et æg – Alice troede også først han var et æg. Det kunne vel forsåvidt godt være en gris?
Er Akkari synsk og har forudset sin/Humptys skæbne?
Er det her grunden til at han ikke kan styre sig?
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