One month after a United Nations Security Council resolution ended the 34-day war between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon, the international forces sent to keep the peace find their mission defined more by what they cannot do than what they can.

They cannot set up checkpoints.

They cannot search cars or homes or businesses. They cannot detain suspects. If they see a truck transporting missiles for example, they cannot stop it. And they cannot staff check points with the Lebanese Army because they do not know each others procedures.
Mere her. Via No-Pasaran.

Så er det på det rene. FN er bare en narresut. Og det var det venstrefløjen og alle de politisk korrekte ville opnå. Føj.

1 Kommentar

  1. they are,what they are,(the UN),and will be forever,totally useless,does anybody, know anybody,who thought that any military force,( under the command of the UN), could/would take control of hamaSS ? and there would be a peacefull/happy ending ?.( like in the movies ),

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