Overraskende: Rygning ser ud til at beskytte mod Wuhan-virus

Low incidence of daily active tobacco smoking in patients with symptomatic COVID-19

Fransk undersøgelse viser meget overraskende, at rygning/nikotin tilsyneladende beskytter mod Wuhanvirus:


Importance: As the pandemic of COVID-19 is still under progression, identification of prognostic factors remains a global challenge. The role of cigarette smoking has been suggested among the disease’s epidemiological risk factors, although it is highly controversial.

Objective: To evaluate the correlation of daily smoking with the susceptibility to develop SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Participants: We estimated the rates of daily current smokers in COVID-19-infected patients in a large French university hospital between February 28th , 2020 and March 30th , 2020 for outpatients and from March 23rd , till April 9th , 2020 for inpatients.

Design: The rates from both groups were compared to those of daily current smokers in the 2018 French general population, established in 2018, after standardization of the data for sex and age.

Results: The inpatient group was composed of 343 patients, median age 65 yr: 206 men (601%, median age 66 years) and 137 women (39.9%, median age 65 years) with a rate of daily smokers of 4.4% (5.4% of men and 2.9% of women).The outpatient group was composed of 139 patients, median age 44 years: 62 men (44.6 %, median age 43 years, and 77 women (55.4 %, median age 44 years). The daily smokers rate was 5.3% (5.1% of men and 5.5 % of women). In the French population, the daily smokers rate was 25.4% (28.2% of men and 22.9% of women). The rate of current daily smokers was significantly lower in COVID-19 outpatients and inpatients (80.3% and 75.4%, respectively), as compared to that in the French general population with standardized incidence ratios according to sex and age of 0.197 [0.094 – 0.41] and 0.246 [0.148 – 0.408]. These ratios did not significantly differ between the two groups (P=0.63).

Conclusions and relevance: Our cross sectional study in both COVID-19 out- and inpatients strongly suggests that daily smokers have a very much lower probability of developing symptomatic or severe SARS-CoV-2 infection as compared to the general population.

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Her er et par yderligere uddrag:

Hospitalernes rygeforbud kan måske forværre sygdommen:

There are however, sufficient scientific data to suggest that smoking protection is likely to be mediated by nicotine. SARS-CoV2 is known to use the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor for cell entry[14-16], and there is evidence that nicotine modulates ACE2 expression[17]which could in turn modulate the nicotinic acetyl choline receptor (manuscript submitted). We hypothesize that SARS-CoV2 might alter the control of the nicotine receptor by acetylcholine. This hypothesis may also explain why previous studies have found an association between smoking and Covid-19 severity[1, 9, 10]. As hospitals generally impose smoking cessation and nicotine withdrawal at the time of hospitalization, tobacco (nicotine) cessation could lead to the release of nicotine receptors, that are increased in smokers, and to a “rebound effect” responsible for the worsening of disease observed in hospitalized smokers.

Kan nikotinprodukter beskytte?

Nicotine and the nicotinic receptor (and not the smoke of cigarettes per se, which is responsible for a very heavy public health burden with more than 78,000 deaths per year in France) may be indeed involved in the pathway leading to viral infection, and particularly in the most severe forms of the disease. Nicotine administration, e.g. via a transcutaneous route may be tested as a therapy to recapitulate the protecting effect of smoking against SARS CoV2 infection.

4 Kommentarer

  1. Et medicinsk paradoks! 🙂

    Vil du i verden frem så ryg, ha ha ha.

    Nu er det ikke rygningen i sig selv men mere specifikt nikotinen. Den kan indtages på mange forskellige måder og så vidt jeg ved er nikotin en nødvendighed for at ens hjerne skal fungere. Vi snakker nikotin på sporstof niveau.

  2. Jeg har altid været plaget af forkølelse, 2 – 4 gange hver vinter, hver gang kostede det en uge i sengen og megen forsigtighed. Nu som 70-årig tager jeg blodtryksmedicin og har gjort i et par år, en såkaldt ace-hæmmer. Jeg har undret mig over at mine forkølelser denne vinter (3 gange) er forløbet langt mildere end før, samme varighed men mildere symptomer og gener.
    Så når jeg læser dette så begynder jeg at undre på om der mon kan være en sammenhæng?

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