Simon Campbell om SLAPP, ytringsfrihed og lawfare

How many people understand what a SLAPP or SLAPP threat is? C’mon fellow Americans! Get clued in 🙂.This is our most cherished freedom I am talking about. SLAPP = Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation. A SLAPP is a frivolous lawsuit that alleges farcical claims like defamation, etc. The filer of the suit knows they can’t win it but they file it just to torture the defendant, make them pay legal fees, etc. The SLAPP filer figures that cost and pain of the lawsuit will cause the defendant to self-censor (as defendant, you decide it’s not worth expressing your First Amendment rights if you can end up being out a ton of money to defend yourself). Only in states that have a strong anti-SLAPP law are these frivolous SLAPP suits quickly dismissed, and the defendant is guaranteed to get their legal fees refunded and the SLAPP filer can be punished by the Court. Texas has a great anti-SLAPP law. California has a great anti-SLAPP law. Pennsylvania does not. More on this in Pt. 2. Like, share, subscribe and turn on bell notifications. Cheers.

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