I dagens anledning har man i Los Angeles foretaget en symbolsk hængning af Osama bin Laden på gaden foran den radikale King Fahd moske.
Osama hænger i galgen foran moskeen
En mand slår på Osama med en sko mens demonstranter mod hængningen ses i baggrunden.
The verdict was read, “GUILTY!” Peter James wearing a black bathrobe and a black mask & hood to resemble an executioner tightened the noose around Osama’s neck. “Hang Him High! Hang Him High!” the crowd chanted. The rope was pulled and Osama was hoisted into the air. The crowd cheered as they pelted him with shoes. Shoes being the great insult in the Islamic world. Counter-protesters who seemed to take the side of Osama stood on the other side of the street chanting slogans such as “U.A.C. Racist Slime, Being Muslim is Not A Crime.” to which the UAC responded with chants such as “We Love Muslims, We Love Muslims.” and “Join with us, Join with us.” sending a positive message that Muslims are more than welcome to come and join the UAC in throwing shoes at Osama and condemning Islamic militancy. The UAC was happy to be joined by pro-democratic Iranians, as well as many other groups and individuals of all different backgrounds, however, as for the King Fahd Mosque and its members the allegiance of those who would protest a hanging of bin Laden remains in question.
Mere på UAC også med flere billeder.
The Koran answers many questions.
Det er godt at se, at vi i vesten er højt hævet over de primitive muslimer med deres flagafbrændinger og deslige.