UK: Myndighederne pakker historiske monumenter ind

Britain First

The left-wing war against British history and culture is still raging.

Communist groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter want to obliterate our entire historical heritage so that we become a rootless, blank culture that resembles communism.

Patriots are absolutely outraged at the news that the statue of Winston Churchill has been completely boarded up in Parliament Square!

They allowed the statue to be vandalised for two weekends running, then because thousands of patriots say they are going to protect it, it is suddenly boarded up:

For the first time in its entire history, the Cenotaph has been boarded up to protect it:

Now, because of communist hooligans – most of whom are white – we are forced to build barricades around our national monument. 

Imagine what would happen if the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was vandalised in Moscow?

The Russian government would string them up by the neck!

Not so our pathetic, weak government. 

Even the statue of Thomas Guy has been boarded up outside Guy’s Hospital in London:

It will shortly be removed and scrapped!

It was amazing yesterday when local residents came out on the streets of Poole in Dorset to protect the statue of Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of the scouts. 

But today the statue is being boarded up:

They have boarded up James II in Trafalgar Square and are in the process of doing the same to Abraham Lincoln in Parliament Square, the president who freed the slaves:

All of this because of communist hooligans posing as campaigners against ‘racism’ and ‘slavery’ are trying to trash our history!

Tomorrow, patriots from all over the country are descending on London to send a clear message to the Powers That Be that we will not sit back while our memorials are trashed. 

Enough is enough.

Thousands of patriots, Britain First, bikers, football fans and veterans are travelling to London tomorrow.  

Britain First activists will then protect statues nationwide from left-wing hooliganism over the coming months.

If you cannot hit the streets with our brave footsoldiers, then please chip in with a donation to help supply them.

Everyone reading this can do something.

Operation Blizzard is about to launch and we need your unbridled commitment and support.

This is the state of play the present time:

Target: £8,000
Raised: £5,520
Shortfall: £2,480

Recommended: Chip in £10

You will personally be equipping our frontline activists with the tools they need to finish the job!

Please chip in, every penny counts.

Yours sincerely,
Britain First HQ

2 Kommentarer

  1. Dengang Hitler-tysklands nazistiske bombemaskiner hærgede London og forvandlede tusinder af bygninger til ruiner med en regn af spræng- og brandbomber, dengang pakkede man også kulturelle og kunstneriske værdier ind i plader og sandsække. Nu er det landets egne nazister der hærger.

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