Hvad med koranen spørger jeg bare??? Jeg synes det er på tide at tilføje kategorien ‘shithole’ til posteringer om UK.
Pastor arrested after citing Biblical marriage definition a ‘vile attack’ on freedom of religion
Spiked Online Editor Brendan O’Neill says the recent arrest of a 71-year-old pastor in the UK for alleged hate speech is a “vile assault on freedom of religion”.
The pastor in Britain was handcuffed and arrested by police for alleged hate speech after talking about the Biblical definition of marriage – that marriage is between a man and a woman.
“It’s a grotesque situation,” Mr O’Neill told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. “He was just reading from the Bible; he was citing the Bible’s definition … some people reported him for hate speech and then he was arrested in a pretty violent way.
“This is a vile assault on freedom of religion and a vile assault on freedom of speech.”
Det måtte jo komme. Sådan noget kan gøres helt ude konsekvenser af nogen art.
LÆS KORANEN kend din fremtid, skabt for 1400 år siden, ifølge den bog fødes vi alle som muslimer. Vækkelsesperioden er startet.