Vaclav Havel: Europa må tage afstand fra Castros hemmelige terror

THIS spring marks the third anniversary of the wave of repression in which Fidel Castro's regime arrested and handed down long sentences to 75 leading Cuban dissidents. Soon after, many friends and I formed the International Committee for Democracy in Cuba.The bravery of those who found their social conscience, overcame fear, and stood up to communist dictatorship is fresh in my memory. It reminds me of the jingle of keys that rang out on Prague's Wenceslas Square in autumn 1989Mere på Scotsman via Secular Blasphemy

Det bliver nok lidt svært – da de fleste menneskerettigshedsforkæmpere render rundt i Che-T-shirts og protesterer mod, at der er nogen, der spiser fangernes jordnødde-smør i den anden ende af Cuba.

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