Ytringsfriheden i Belgien under pres

Det Belgiske politi er begyndt at genere bloggen The Brussels Journal

Belgian Regime Keeps Harassing The Brussels Journal (2)

This morning the police came to my door again to question me about allegedly racist articles on The Brussels Journal. I was not in. Tonight the local police phoned to “invite” me urgently to the police station. In Belgium any leftist or totalitarianist can lodge a complaint against “internet racism” through a Belgian government website and the judiciary starts an investigation. Apparently someone in Ghent has lodged a complaint against this website. I am not allowed to know who this person is, but I am requested to come to the police station to be interrogated. I told the officer that I refuse to justify my writings for anonymous complaints. “I am not living in the Soviet Union,” I told him (though I fear I am).

As a matter of principle I will not go to the police station. I defend the freedom of the press, which implies the right of journalists not to be questioned by the authorities about articles and opinions that they write or edit. I told the officer that if the police wants to question me they will have to arrest me. The Belgian authorities are clearly intent on intimidating us and closing down this website.

En amerikansk juraprofessor har skrevet til den belgiske ambassade i USA og klaget som støtte til bloggen- se her.

Her er adresser til den Belgiske ambassade i København, hvis du vil skrive. Du kan evt kopiere professorens brev og rette lidt i det – hvis du ikke er professor i jura 🙂

Hvornår griber det om sig – EU arbejder på at lukke munden på kritikere.

2 Kommentarer

  1. Forsøger EU at lukke munden på deres kritikere, så bør alle frihedselskende rejse en folkestorm.

    Bloggene er endnu fri af politisk korrekthed, de udfylder det tomrum, som de illegale blade udfyldte under krigen.

    Vi befinder os allerede i en egentlig modstandskamp.


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