
Det er ikke gået op for islamisterne, at de skal forholde sig roligt her i agurketiden.

Martyr Mouse taking Mickey

“Following 9/11, many sought to find so-called “root causes” for Islamic fury. It might be time to further explore the Farfour Theory – that those Muslims who hate us have been taught to hate us.”

Irshad Manji: Why are most of the terror suspects (so far) well-educated medical professionals, not poor and dispossessed types?

This week a former jihadist wrote in a British newspaper that the “real engine of our violence” is “Islamic theology”

Some 50 masked attackers smashed cars and clashed with police in northeast Paris on Friday night.

Så har vi normale sommertilstande i Frankrig igen.

Evidence that Evidence that Iranian territory is being used as a base by al-Qaeda to help in terrorist operations in Iraq and elsewhere is growing, say western officials.

“The most conservative, cautious intelligence assessment is that [the Iranian authorities] are turning a blind eye. But there are a lot of doubts about that.”

Britain is the European country facing the gravest threat from al-Qaeda-linked terrorism.

The scale of the threat is amplified, officials say, by the ability of the radicals to travel to Pakistan, where some 400,000 journeys are made there every year from Britain.

Nonsense and lies, and those who fall for them

This statement issued by some Muslim groups, in order to protect Islam from scrutiny and to prolong the unwariness of Infidels, is a farrago of nonsense and lies.


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