Bryssel: Muslimer synger sejrssang efter terror – nyttige idioter synger med

A group of Moroccan Muslims was singing in the centre of Brussels an Islamic victory song (Nasheed) in order to celebrate the successful terror attacks of Airport Zaventem and the Metro of Brussels.

The event took place hardly two days after the terror assaults. The video was sent to the Dutch E.J. Bron Blog by a Christian refugee who’s language is Arabic.

If you view the video closely, you see some naïve Belgians of the lefy Good People type who are clapping with their hands without even knowing what the song is all about.

ala‘ al-Badru ‘Alaynā (Arabic: طلع البدر علينا) is a traditional Islamic song known as nasheed that the Ansar (residents of Madinah) sang to the Islamic prophet Muhammad upon his arrival at Madinah to welcome him after completing the Battle of Tabuk.[1] Some claim it was first sung as he sought refuge there after being forced to leave his hometown of Mecca. The song is currently over 1400 years old, and one of the oldest in the Islamic culture.


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