Dagens bedste vittighed: Saudisk menneskerettighedskommission

Saudi Arabia’s Human Rights Commission (HRC) will urge its counterparts in the European Union to ask their governments not to link terrorism to Islam and also to issue regulations to protect Muslims from prejudice and discrimination because of their faith.

According to a source at HRC, the government-funded rights body will also address various human rights issues in Europe: when Muslims are unjustly interrogated, treated with disrespect, physically or mentally abused, or not allowed to practice their faith freely such as Muslim girls being prevented from wearing the hijab (head cover) in some schools.

The points are expected to be addressed during HRC’s official participation in the Second Arab-European Dialogue on Human Rights and Terrorism, which will take place in Copenhagen on Oct.21-23.

“The dialogue is significant because it is being held in Denmark, where the controversy started over the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) cartoons,” the source told Arab News.

Source: Jihad Watch

SIOE Denmark prepare actions and demonstrations against the khuffarphobes and kalifascists when they arrive in Denmark and during their stay.

Further informations will be available on this blog soon:


4 Kommentarer

  1. skjoldungen

    Det er der vist ikke så mange der ved endnu. SIAD viste det ihvertfald ikke i går.

    Jeg skriver det her hvis jeg hører noget.

  2. Fint Sortalf. Jeg synes det hele stinker som noget vor hjemlige godhedsindustri har hittet på. Jeg kommer ikke så meget i de kredse, men er der ikke en vis Morten Kjærum eller Rune Engelbræk der er guru’er i galehuset?

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