WOMEN in Italy should not wear veils that cover their face, according to new government guidelines for immigrants that were drawn up in consultation with representatives of the main faiths, including Muslims.
The document, presented by Interior Minister Giuliano Amato, is Rome’s response to a growing debate in Europe over integration standards for Muslim minorities.
“Types of clothing that cover the face are not acceptable because they prevent the identification of the person and are an obstacle to the interaction with others,” it said.
Italy’s Charter of Values, Citizenship and Immigration also states that poligamy is contrary to the rights of women and that marriages that are forced or between children are banned.
While the charter is not legally binding, it is meant to set common rules for immigrants, particularly Muslims, living in the predominantly Roman Catholic country.
The document, issued by Romano Prodi’s centre-left government, was given a green light from the country’s top Islamic association, Ucoii.
“This is not a discriminating Charter, it’s a Charter for equality,” said Ucoi leader Mohamed Nour Dachan.
However he added: “The veil is never humiliating for the woman who wears it.
“We recognise the culture and the religion of this country, but Islam too has given a lot to Europe and maybe this could have been mentioned.”
The Charter also sets guidance for immigrants requesting Italian citizenship, saying they should speak Italian and know “the essential elements of the national history and culture”.
Mere på Daily Telegraph
Fyyyhada. Tørklædeforbud og kendskab til italienske værdier! Måske skal de også have en kanon 😀
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