Den konservative britiske regering er fuld af løgn

Over the last few days, the Conservatives have launched a PR blitz to deceive the British people once again.

For the last 13 years while holding the reins of government, they have done nothing to stop the migrant crisis from spiralling out of control.

Every Prime Minister and Home Secretary for the last 13 years has promised to reduce immigration.

Even the gormless liberal David Cameron promised to reduce immigration to the “tens of thousands”.

Instead, mass immigration has spiralled out of control.

Thanks to the Tories, we have a gigantic illegal immigration crisis in the English Channel.

Back in 2018, the number of illegal immigrants crossing the Channel numbered in the hundreds.

Last year there were over 45,000 illegal immigrants who crossed the Channel.

This year, the numbers are expected to be much, much higher.

People smuggling gangsters and criminals are making millions by organising Channel crossings.

Our treacherous Border Force and the RNLI are acting as a taxi service for these illegal immigrants.

The Conservatives have made promise after promise to sort out the crisis.

Instead, they have sat back and allowed it to get worse.

Now we have over 400 hotels around the country being used by the Home Office to house these illegal immigrants.

This racket is costing the taxpayer over £7 million per day, every day of the year.

David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Priti Patel, Rishi Sunak, Suella Braverman, and many more, have all promised to sort out this crisis.

They promised to turn the boats back, but didn’t.

They promised to send some of the illegal immigrants to Rwanda, but didn’t.

They promised that the new ‘Nationality and Borders Bill’ would sort out the mess, but it didn’t.

It’s been broken promise after broken promise.

The Tories have got promising the world, but not actually doing anything, down to a fine art.

With a general election on the horizon next year, the Tories have once again launched a new PR blitz to mislead the electorate.

After 13 years in government, and not doing a thing to stop or reduce immigration, to expect them to do so now would be extremely daft.

The fact remains, the Conservatives will never do anything to reduce immigration, because ideologically, they are the same pro-immigration extremists that they have always been.

Unfortunately, voters have extremely short memories, and will grasp onto any slimmer of hope that is put before them, however ridiculous it is.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.

The Tories want us to believe that they will finally sort out our open borders, but it will never happen.

It’s all talk and no action.

It’s all presentation and no substance.

Mass immigration, either in its legal or illegal forms, will continue to increase exponentially until the British people are a minority in their own land.

The Conservatives are looking forward to that happening because then they won’t have to pretend to be against mass immigration any more.

If this is the future that you want for your country, then you can just sit back and wait for our nation to be overrun.

If you want to build a bright and decent future for our children and grand-children, then now is the time to join Britain First.

If you are a member already, then you have taken the ultimate step to help save your country from a dark and terrible future.

If you are not a member of Britain First yet, then you really don’t have any choice going forward.

It’s time to make the right decision.

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Britain First HQ

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6 Kommentarer

    9. marts 2023 ved 00:27

    De konservative i England er kriminelle landsforrædere
    ledet af idioter, fra og med Tony Blair til og med Boris
    Johnson og den nyeste Rishi Sunak. Men den røde fløj er
    ikke et hak bedre. Hele den politiske klasse i England
    består af arrogante, selvglade og kriminelle slyngler
    og feministiske pulverhekse. Men vælgerflertallet fatter
    ingenting. England er i frit fald, og storkatastrofe og
    total undertrykkelse, eller migranternes terrorkrig mod
    de civile englændere bliver det næste.

  2. PS:Læg mærke til at det offentlige hospitalsvæsen,
    den sociale velfærd, jernbanerne og busserne og
    meget andet, er kollapset eller gået i stå. England
    befinder sig i en miserabel situation pga. politisk
    uduelighed. Dog er de rigeste englændere stadig på
    den grønne gren. Men 30-40 millioner almindelige
    borgere har det dårligt, med udsigt til at det
    hele bliver endnu værre.

  3. Brittn first- support them. Support Tommy Robinson. Støt SIAD:
    (Kæmp imod den modbydelige undertrykkende fordummende – usekulære diktatorreligion Islam, med dens bizarre Førerprofetideal). God torsdag. mvh Michael Unna

  4. Ja, Tony Blair var skamLabour!
    Det forædderiske møgdyr er citeret for at være dén, der for alvor åbnede sluserne for mass mmigration med ordene:
    “Labour wants to rub the Right’s nose in diversity and render their arguments out of date”.
    Med andre ord en så ondskabsfuld handling, han burde stilles til regnskab for den.
    Manden er jo tilmed en komplet idiot.
    For i modsætning til den golde gl.kommunistiske somikkel syd for grænsen. Har Tony Blair avlet 4 børn, der alle kommer til at leve med følgerne af daddys håbløst vanvittige og ondskabsfulde migrationspolitik.
    Congrats Blairøv!

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