Det gør han godt !
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unday morning reminded us why President Trump selected Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) as his running mate after turning the tables on CNN’s Dana Bash when she tried to ambush him.
Determined to paint Vance in a corner, a hostile Bash peppered him with a series of questions over harmless comments he made years ago while ignoring the serious questions surrounding Kamala Harris and her running mate Tim Walz. But Vance kept his cool and destroyed Harris and Walz while Bash pouted.
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Den Trump-hadende pamflet Berlingske er nu også begyndt at skrive smædeartikler om Elon Musk, fordi han åbenlyst støtter Trump.
Den såkaldte “korrespondent” i USA, Poul Høi, spørger håbefuldt: “Kommer det endelige opgør med Musk nu?”
Berlingske håber åbenlyst, at det skal lykkes Biden og Kamelen at smide både Trump og Musk i spjældet.🤮