
Tiden før islam er uvidenhedens tid. Mørkets tid. Jahiliyya. Dette er en del af muslimske teologi. Historien skal tjene teologien.

V.S. Naipaul, Nobelprisvinder.

Islamabad, 22 Feb. (AKI/DAWN) – Religious parties in Pakistan’s National Assembly are contesting the teaching of Pakistan’s pre-Islamic history in schools. Members of the six-party Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal (MMA) staged a token protest walkout Wednesday over the inclusion of chapters about Hinduism, Buddhism and the ancient emperor Chandragupta Maurya in the history textbooks for senior classes after a heated discussion.

Five MMA members had raised the history textbook issue through a call-attention notice, but their claim that the inclusion of chapters they considered objectionable had caused a “grave concern amongst the public” was disputed by education minister Anisa Zeb Tahirkheli and some other ruling coalition members, who accused the religious parties of seeking to keep students ignorant about glorious periods of the sub-continent’s history such as the Indus Valley or Gandhara civilisations.

But the authors of the noticedescribed the changes as part of what they saw as a government attempt to secularise the educational curricula.

“That may be your history, (but) … our history (starts) from Mecca and Medina,” MMA member Farid Ahmad Piracha shouted as he led his alliance’s walkout when the sessio chairman allowed party a Muslim League MP to voice his support for the chapters even after the speaker had referred the matter to a house standing committee for more discussion .





The speaker repeatedly said there was no harm in studying pre-Islamic history for the sake of knowledge as he and his contemporaries did in schools, colleges and universities but, to an apparent surprise of the treasury benches, accepted an MMA demand to refer the matter to the standing committee, which the alliance members could use to continue the controversy.

The education minsiter earlier told the house that the decision to include the new chapters – the like of which existed in old history books but were removed at some later stage – was taken by an inter-provincial committee which also included ulema and rejected allegations that Islamic chapters were being deleted or curtailed from the curricula.
“If you don’t regard the history of Moenjodaro and Harappa as your heritage, then you may delete it. But if you are proud of it then students must know about it,” she said.


Muslimer har i tråd med dette ødelagt historiske mindesmærker i Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libyen, og Cypern. For ikke at tale om andre religioners hellige steder de har vandaliseret. Mere hos Every Kinda People.

9 Kommentarer

  1. “Det vil jo så sige, at al Danmarks historie hidtil er præ-Islamisk.”

    Ja lige præcis 🙂 Vidste du ikke det??

    Måske vil nogle muslimske kunstnere overtage kunstværkerne?

    Sikke en masse ‘sjove’ nye ord vores sprog bliver beriget med for tiden:

    Shariah, taqiyya, jahiliyya, ummah, kaliffa, dhimmi….. 😀

    Læs eventuelt mere i Robert Spencer: Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades:


    Kan anbefales, er skrevet på letlæst engelsk. Den burde oversættes til dansk.

    (Ikke mine ord igen – men jeg tror, der findes en torrent 😀 )

  2. Jeg har læst mange af Kästners bøger med fornøjelse, køber dem, når jeg ser dem antikvarisk. Det samme med Fallada og andre. Har selv stået på Opernplatz mange år senere og filosoferet.

  3. Hvis I tager til Kina, så er skillelinien i tidsregningen før og efter 1948.
    Sådan er der så meget i menneskers bevidsthed.


  4. “Det vil jo så sige, at al Danmarks historie hidtil er præ-Islamisk.”

    Det samme kan siges om vort kvindesyn, Grundlov, demokrati og nå ja – produktion af visse landbrugsvarer, der er stærkt haram.

    Til gengæld får alle udleveret et selvmordsbombebælte og et AK-47 KALASHNIKOV gevær.

    Men før muslimerne indfører disse tilstande, skulle de måske tænke på, hvordan de så kommer hjem fra sommerferien i Libanon, he., he.

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