Muslimers sexuelle misbrug af mindreårige britiske piger foregår stadig i UK uden myndighederne gør noget for at stoppe det

The town of Rotherham has been back in the news over the last week or so.

Despite the huge furore back in 2014 when the Jay Report laid bare the shocking scale of the Islamist grooming scandal in Rotherham, nothing substantial has been done to tackle this criminal plague.

The Jay Report publicised that over 1,400 underage English girls had been groomed, raped, tortured, abused and murdered by Islamist grooming gangs over a twenty year period.

Last week, a report published by Rotherham councillors stated there were “multiple examples of active grooming and CSE” (child sexual exploitation) still happening in the town.

A TV station then asked for details and received a reply stating that some 1,665 children may have been groomed and sexually exploited since 2017!

So, far from clamping down on Islamist grooming gangs, the number of victims has exploded, in a much shorter time frame.

The situation is getting worse, and no one seems to be interested, because, as the Jay Report originally publicised, the authorities are terrified of being labelled “racist”.

So they simply allow Islamist paedophile gangs to continue raping underage English girls.

Just up the road in Bradford, there has been an explosion of cases involving Islamist grooming gangs in Bradford, an issue that is utterly ignored by West Yorkshire Combined Authority and Bradford Council.

The local MP is demanding a Rotherham-style inquiry to examine the “true extent” of the Islamist grooming gangs scourge in the town, but this is being resisted by local authorities who want to swerve any scrutiny.

The Islamist grooming gangs crime wave is affecting dozens of towns and cities across the nation, including Rochdale, Rotherham, Keighley, Newcastle, Oxford, Telford, Peterborough, Aylesbury, Bradford, Halifax, Manchester, Blackpool, Leicester, Luton, Blackburn, Bolton, Oldham, Preston, Birmingham, Middlesborough, Hull, Gloucester, Burton-On-Trent, Derby and many, many more.

Islamist gangs target underage non-Muslim girls for sexual exploitation, during which the victims are gang raped, passed around from man to man like a piece of meat, with some even being tortured or murdered.

In almost all the cases, these gangs have been allowed to flourish untouched because the authorities – namely the police and social services – are terrified of being labelled “racist”.

It was stated publicly in the House of Lords that the total number of victims is somewhere in the region of 250,000 underage English girls, all of whom have been raped by Islamist grooming gangs.

Despite the horrific scale of this crime wave, it is consistently under-reported and ignored by the establishment.

The police and social services would rather 250,000 underage English girls are regularly raped and abused than have to face up to the Islamist paedophile gangs.

They are cowardly and criminal.

The authorities will never properly defend and protect our children.

They would throw our children under a bus to swerve being labelled “racist”.

Ever since the launch of Britain First back in 2011, we have consistently sounded the alarm about the Islamist grooming gang scandal and the lack of interest from the authorities due to political correctness.

We have visited every grooming zone across the nation to raise awareness.

Islamist grooming gangs will continue to target our children unless we ramp up the pressure on the authorities.

Britain First will never abandon our children, regardless of any consequences.

We will fight to protect them no matter what.

We urge you to ditch all hesitation and join Britain First, to join us in our crusade to protect vulnerable British children from Islamist predators.

After joining Britain First, you will be taking part in the largest and most highly organised political fightback in recent history.

Britain First is now a legitimate political party and we intend to raise public awareness of the Islamist grooming scandal so that something is finally done to protect our girls.

7 Kommentarer

  1. Når man kigger på de billeder, kan man tydeligt se indavlen. Og de skulle være en berigelse. NEJ, de er en fattiggørelse af Vesten.

    de må have mareridt resten af livet

  2. Når man tænker på, hvor ilde det gik Tommy Robinson, da han ville gøre opmærksom på dette uhyrlige svineri, er der nok ikke mange, der tør komme pigebørnene til hjælp.
    Det er svært ikke at få den tanke, at deltagerne i svineriet måske også skal findes længere oppe i de sociale lag, som det også før i tiden viste sig.

  3. Jeg har fortalt det her for længe siden: I min barndom tilbage i 40’erne var de eneste beretninger fra den store verden dem, vi kunne få, fra de voksne. Det var jo spændende, når de havde tid til at fortælle, og vi forstod heller ikke meget af det.

    Knuds far var sømand, og ud over at han kendte typen af alt med master og sejl, så kunne han også fortælle om mennesker og havne verden over. Alt var i et venligt og forsonligt lys.

    Der var kun fortællingerne fra eet sted i verden, der formørkede hans vejrbidte ansigt, og det var fortællingerne fra det østlige Middelhav. Araberne – dette forbandede løgnagtige, upålidelige tyvepak. Gid fanden havde dem. Og så sluttede snakken for den dag.

    Nu sidder han så i sin himmel, og kigger ned på os, der i al vor Frederiksen’ske konvensionsgodhed har givet vort land (vore lande) til rakkerpakket. Han beder nok om at få lov til at dø – rigtigt denne gang.

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