Nobelprisen i fysik har nu også begået selvmord

Nobel Prize has committed suicide

Says physicist Lubos Motl

So far, the hard scientific prizes, and especially the Nobel Prize in Physics, were largely shielded from toxic worthless garbage. This is over because the other one-half of the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics was given to Syukuro Manabe and Klaus Hasselmann

“for the physical modelling of Earth’s climate, quantifying variability and reliably predicting global warming”.

Wow, just wow. You may click at the names to confirm the expectation that these men did some influential early work on climate modeling. And I think that these men aren’t even the most radical activists who would love to exaggerate the projections more than others.

But don’t make a mistake about it. The climate modeling hasn’t led to any new yet reliable insights. In those 50 years, while the short-term weather models have made some progress, the long-term models have made virtually none and it is especially the case of the question about the magnitude of the influence of CO2 on the climate. All the relevant quantities (like the climate sensitivity) remained about as uncertain as when these modelling efforts were launched and the claim about the “reliable prediction of global warming” is a pure lie.

So there is no reason for a Nobel Prize, especially not one that would go to somewhat random “physicists of the climate”.

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