So writes syndicated columnist Pat Buchanan in a compelling new book, “State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America.”
According to the Drudge Report, Buchanan’s sure-to-be-controversial work “is designed to jolt readers with stats and analysis of illegal immigration gone dangerously wild.” The book shot to No. 2 on’s list of best sellers even before its official August 22 release date.
Drudge cites these troubling disclosures from “State of Emergency,” which calls Buchanan’s “most important book to date”:
Buchanan charges the Mexican regime with mounting a conscious effort to use the U.S. as a dumping ground for its poor and unemployed to relieve social pressure and bring about what would amount to a re-annexation of the American Southwest, Drudge reports.”La Reconquista, the reconquest of the lands lost by Mexico in the Mexican-American War, Buchanan charges, is underway.
”Buchanan, who ran for president on the Reform Party ticket in 2000, has harsh words for President Bush, writing that his failure to secure America’s borders is a dereliction of constitutional duty that, in other times, would have called forth articles of impeachment.
Buchanan broadens his scope to include Europe, and compares the immigrant invasion of the West to the barbarian invasions that ended the Roman Empire: “As Rome passed away, so the West is passing away, from the same causes and in much the same way. What the Danube and Rhine were to Rome, the Rio Grande and Mediterranean are to America and Europe, the frontiers of a civilization no longer defended.”
“Last Chance,” Buchanan lays out a national plan to deal with the “State of Emergency” before it is too late:
Fra NewsMax
and so it goes,the sad facts,the world will soon be “managed”,by the latinos,here (in the u.s.a.)and over there (europe) will be totally dominated by the fanatic-muslims.that is very scary,and very sad.
and so it goes,the sad facts,the world will soon be “managed”,by the latinos,here (in the u.s.a.)and over there (europe) will be totally dominated by the fanatic-muslims.that is very scary,and very sad.
“One in every 12 people “breaking into” America has a criminal record.
By 2050, there will be 100 million Hispanics concentrated in the U.S. Southwest.”
Ren racisme, og så vil vi hellere dø.
Og demokraterne vil legalisere alle illegale immigranter og trække National-garden væk fra grænsen. Schwarzenegger er heldigvis imod.
Og demokraterne vil legalisere alle illegale immigranter og trække National-garden væk fra grænsen. Schwarzenegger er heldigvis imod.