Da den kvindelige muslimske domsmand Güler Tirlak nægtede at aftage sit tørklæde i Landsretten i Dortmund, smed dommeren Ulf Pennig hende kort og godt ud af retssalen.
Dommeren mener, at kvinden bærer sin verdensanskuelse til offentlig skue, og smed hende derfor ud af retten af neutralitetsårsager.
Das Politisch Inkorrekte Weblog in Deutschland der iøvrigt er flyttet hertil.
Kvinden overvejer selvfølgelig at klage – det stakkels offer. Skik følge eller land fly.
Sorry for writing in English, but my norwegian isn’t as good, as it was in the good old times.
The link you have given for this banning of an unprofessional judge due to her religious belief is completly biased against muslims. The first question is, why would it have been ok, if the judge took of her headscarf? Nothing would have changed in her beliefs. But it would have been ok.
the other point is, that an unprofessional judge should be some kind of “normal” person. A christian, even a catholic, could be an judge. He should represent the people. Over three million people in Germany are Muslims. Even more, nearly 25 millions, are non-religious. As long as there are no concrete signs of a biased behaviour theres no claim against a judge, even against a professional judge.
If Muslims aren’t free to take part in the judicial system, the western freedom of religious belief doesn’t get far anymore. And this is what passed centuries have tought europeans.