‘We Need a New Hitler’: California Refuses to Disbar Hatemongering Lawyer
An Iranian-American international lawyer in California has it out for the Jews and says the world needs a new Hitler to help him, the blogging website Israellycool reported this week.

A law school classmate of Khorashani, Matthew Jordan Singer, saw the posts and filed a complaint with the State Bar of California, the state’s official professional association for lawyers.
Singer was shocked to learn that State Bar “found no actionable misconduct,” despite the clear anti-Semitic hate language by Khorasani, as the hate comments appear to have been mostly hidden by Khorasani. Facebook left his account online.
Genocide-Supporting Lawyer Farhad Khorasani Doubles Down
Farhad Khorasani’s Alma Mater Southwestern Law School Condemns Him

Tjah.. antisemitisme lader til at være helt okay med mange californiere, når bare den kommer fra muslimer. Og netop muslimer får større og større indflydelse i USA. Det er også derfor at jeg forudser en væsentlig hetz mod jøder og zionister i de kommende år, fra den nye amerikanske junta..