Vanvittige Californien: Advokatsammenslutningen accepterer antisemitisme

‘We Need a New Hitler’: California Refuses to Disbar Hatemongering Lawyer

An Iranian-American international lawyer in California has it out for the Jews and says the world needs a new Hitler to help him, the blogging website Israellycool reported this week.

A law school classmate of Khorashani, Matthew Jordan Singer, saw the posts and filed a complaint with the State Bar of California, the state’s official professional association for lawyers.

Singer was shocked to learn that State Bar “found no actionable misconduct,” despite the clear anti-Semitic hate language by Khorasani, as the hate comments appear to have been mostly hidden by Khorasani. Facebook left his account online.

Genocide-Supporting Lawyer Farhad Khorasani Doubles Down

Farhad Khorasani’s Alma Mater Southwestern Law School Condemns Him

1 Kommentar

  1. Tjah.. antisemitisme lader til at være helt okay med mange californiere, når bare den kommer fra muslimer. Og netop muslimer får større og større indflydelse i USA. Det er også derfor at jeg forudser en væsentlig hetz mod jøder og zionister i de kommende år, fra den nye amerikanske junta..

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